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词汇 risen
例句 The number of blue-on-blue deaths has risen steadily during the present campaign. 在正在进行的战役中,因为己方误伤而导致死亡的人数直线上升。They had risen at 5.30 to do the milking.他们五点半就起来挤奶。The price of food has risen and imported goods are scarce.食物价格上涨,进口商品紧缺。Bake them in a warm oven until risen and golden brown.放在热烤炉中烘烤,直至发酵胀起并呈焦黄色。Interest rates have risen about two percentage points. 利率提高了大约两个百分点。Teenage conceptions have risen steadily in the last ten years.在过去的十年中,少女怀孕现象持续增加。The population of the city has risen to five million.该市人口已增加到五百万。The wind had risen again and it was starting to rain.风又刮得更猛了,并下起雨来。Gas prices have risen, forcing companies to pass the cost on to the consumer.汽油价格上涨,迫使企业将成本转嫁到消费者身上。Oil exports have risen steadily.石油出口已稳步上升。During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major.在战争中哈罗德晋升为少校。He had risen to prominence in his wife's organization.他在妻子的筹划下跻身于显赫地位。The president's approval rating had risen.总统的支持率上升了。The once docile population has finally risen up against the ruthless regime.曾经的驯顺良民终于起来反抗冷酷无情的政府。The number of multiple births has risen sharply.多胎产的数量显著增加。The climate has grown more equable and the crop yields have risen.气候变得更加稳定,粮食产量也提高了。He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.他希望在日出前翻越山脊。Violence has risen to the surface in the inner-city.在旧城区暴力活动已经显现。I said it to make her rise — and she hasn't risen.我说这话是有意惹她生气,可是她并不生气。Used car sales have risen because of the increased cost of new cars.由于新车价格上涨,二手车销售量有所增加。Sea levels have risen and storms have increased in both violence and frequency.海平面上升了,暴风雨来得更加猛烈和频繁。Their average grades have risen, but there is still room for improvement.他们的平均成绩提高了,但仍有提升余地。The water has risen to flood level.水位已上升到了洪水警戒线。He had risen from humble origins through hard work.他出身卑微,通过努力工作才出人头地。Inflation had risen to a yet higher level.通货膨胀增长到了更高的水平。Alleluia! Christ is risen.哈利路亚!基督复活了。He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.他看着站起来跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.过去几个月里物价大幅度上涨。House prices have risen during the past six months.在过去六个月里房价上涨了。He has risen from obscurity to international fame.他已从默默无闻之辈而成为国际上名人。Unemployment has risen steadily.失业率不断上升。The death toll has risen to 200.死亡人数已上升到两百人。On the credit side, inflation has not risen this year.从好的方面来看,今年的通货膨胀率没有上升。She has risen in my estimation. 她在我的心目中威信上升。The fear of violent crime has now risen out of all proportion to the actual risk.对暴力犯罪的恐惧大大超出了其实际危险。Under his stewardship, the UN's repute has risen immeasurably.在他的管理下,联合国的声望得到了极大提升。The number of people seeking asylum in Britain has risen sharply.在英国寻求政治庇护的人数激增。The proportion of children with special needs in mainstream schools has risen steadily.主流学校中有特殊需要的学生比例已经持续上升。He has risen to gain the status of a national hero.他已被推崇为民族英雄。The sun has risen above the horizon.太阳已从地平线升起。




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