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词汇 ripped
例句 A bolt of lightning had ripped a hole in the door.一道闪电在门上劈了一个洞。A massive explosion ripped through the building.强烈的爆炸严重损毁了大楼。He ripped away a wire that led to the alarm button.他把连着报警按钮的电线扯掉了。He ripped the letter into confetti.他把信撕得粉碎。I ripped my shirt on a nail.我的衬衫被一颗钉子划破了。Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔。The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。The goal netting was frayed and ripped in places.球门网有几处磨损和撕裂。Hundreds of people were ripped off in a scam involving two people who claimed to be collecting money for disaster victims.数百人在一场骗局中上当,当时有两个人声称在为灾民募款。His latest movie was ripped to shreds/pieces by the critics.他的那部最新影片被批评家们批得一无是处。I ripped the poster off the wall.我把海报从墙上撕了下来。Strong winds had ripped apart many of the little beach bungalows.强风把许多海边小平房摧毁了。She ripped off her dress and let it fall to the floor.她一把扯下裙子,任其滑落到地板上。What's happened to your coat? It's all ripped.你的外套怎么了?都扯破了。Martine ripped up her essay and started again.马蒂娜一把撕碎了她的文章,然后从头开始写。I'll have to sew a patch onto these jeans - they're ripped at the knee.我得给这条牛仔裤打个补丁——膝盖处撕破了。Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook.吉利从她的笔记本上撕下一页纸。Somebody ripped off all our equipment. = All our equipment got ripped off. 有人盗走了我们所有的设备。He ripped off one end of the thick envelope.他把厚信封的一端撕掉。The two ripped into each other the other day in a hot debate.几天前这两个人在一次激烈的辩论中互相猛烈抨击。The car ripped through a busy street.汽车在一条热闹的马路上疾驶而过。He tore out the page and ripped it to shreds.他撕下那一页,把它撕得粉碎。I've ripped my stockings again.我又把长筒袜钩破了。A telegram just came for me. I ripped it open.一封给我的电报刚到。我一把撕开封口。A terrorist bomb ripped through the station.恐怖分子的炸弹穿透了车站。He ripped the page out of the magazine.他把那一页从杂志上撕掉了。They really ripped us off at that hotel.那家旅馆着实敲了我们一笔竹杠。Pictures had been ripped from the walls.画已被从墙上扯了下来。Her blouse ripped.她的短上衣撕裂了。A hurricane ripped through the Caribbean.一股飓风席卷了加勒比海。Critics picked/pulled/tore/ripped the movie to shreds. 评论家们把这部电影批得体无完肤。The old uneven brick sidewalk was ripped up and replaced.那条不平整的砖铺的旧人行道被掘开重新铺过了。Her coat ripped when it caught on the doorknob.她的外套挂住了门把手,裂开了。The canvas bag had ripped because I had not thought of reinforcing it.帆布袋裂开了,因为我没有想到把它加固一下。The telephone wires have been ripped away by the criminals.电话线已被罪犯扯掉了。I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线扯掉了。The child ripped the toy apart.那孩子把玩具拆散了。I ripped the phone from her hand.我把她手中的电话话筒夺了过来。A single blow ripped out two of his opponent's teeth.他一拳击落了对手的两颗牙。His coat was ripped at the elbow.他的上衣肘部撕破了。




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