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Young girls were ensnared in prostitution rings.女孩子们落入了卖淫团伙的手中。Put the napkins in/through the napkin rings.把餐巾系到餐巾环上。The game involved throwing metal rings over a stick.这个游戏的玩法是扔金属环套在一根棍子上。Stop writing when the bell rings.铃声一响,就不要再写了。The police has busted up two automobile theft rings.警方破获了两个汽车偷盗集团。My kids run rings round me when it comes to using the Internet.我的孩子们使用因特网比我熟练多了。In graphite sheets, carbon atoms bond together in rings.石墨层中的碳原子相互连接形成碳环。Yes, that name rings a bell.是的,那个名字听起来耳熟。Wedding rings are symbolic of eternal love.婚戒象征永恒的爱。The spacecraft will fly through the innermost rings of Saturn.宇宙飞船将穿越土星最内侧的光环。If she rings tell her I'll call back later.如果她打电话来,告诉她我会给她回电。His name rings a bell. I'm sure I've met him somewhere.他的名字听起来很耳熟。我肯定在哪里见过他。After two rings I put down the phone.响了两声后,我放下了电话。If the phone rings, don't answer it.如果电话铃响,不要接。Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有点空洞。The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.对其中一个小伙子的描述确实似曾熟悉。听起来挺耳熟。The organization has helped to expose human slavery rings.该组织促使人口奴役团伙得以曝光。These are talented kids who can dance rings around most of their peers.这些才华出众的孩子在舞蹈方面远胜过同龄人。Two gold rings edged with white on her cuffs proclaimed her job and seniority.她袖口上的两道镶白边的金环表明了她的工作和资历。Her hair stuck to her forehead in baby rings.她的头发卷成一个个的幼儿式小圈贴在额上。At last astronomers have solved the mystery of the rings encircling the planet Saturn.最后天文学家解开了土星光环之谜。I taught myself to blow smoke rings.我自己学会了吐烟圈。If the phone rings say you'll call back after dinner.如果有电话打来,就说你吃完饭再回电话。You can go when the bell rings.铃一响,你就可以走了。We watched in amazement as the magician made all the rings disappear.我们惊奇地看着魔术师把所有的戒指都变走了。We arrived just in time to see the couple exchange vows and rings.我们到得很及时,刚好看到这对新婚夫妇交换誓言和戒指。Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.就像是本能反应,电话铃一响我就会抓起钢笔。Thread the rope through the rings and tie firmly.把绳子从圆环穿过,然后绑紧。Two British fighters made rings round a large black aeroplane.两架英国战斗机飞快超过一架黑色的大飞机飞去。The name rings a bell. Isn't he an architect?这个名字好像很熟悉。他是不是一个建筑师?The rings of Saturn can be seen through a telescope.通过望远镜能看到土星环。The name rings a bell, but I can't place it at the moment.这名字听起来耳熟,但我一时想不起来。They exchange rings and wedding vows.他们交换了戒指和结婚誓词。He is ready to pounce at the phone when it rings.电话铃一响,他马上就会冲过去抓起听筒。An encincture of willows rings the pond.池塘四周垂柳环抱。He handed round a plate of tiny sandwiches, daintily arranged in rings.他把一盘摆成精致环形的小块三明治传给大家。The forest can be dated by studying tree rings.通过观察树的年轮可以推测森林形成的年代。He blew smoke rings.他吐出一串烟圈。If Jamie rings, tell him I'll call him back.如果杰米来电话,告诉他我会给他回电。Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石。 |