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词汇 rimmed
例句 He looked older behind his thick-rimmed glasses.他戴着宽边眼镜,显得苍老一些。Gold-rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose.金边眼镜深深陷入他的鼻梁。His red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks betrayed his lack of sleep.他红红的眼圈和凹陷的双颊暴露出他缺乏睡眠。He was wearing old-fashioned plastic-rimmed glasses.他戴着一副老式的塑料框眼镜。Hills rimmed the horizon.小山构成了地平线的轮廓。She rimmed her eyes with eyeliner.她在眼睛边缘描了眼线。Trees rimmed the cemetery.树木环绕在公墓四周。Richard's heavy-rimmed glasses invested him with an air of intelligence.理查德的厚边眼镜使他看上去很有智慧。His eyes were still red-rimmed from tears and sleeplessness.他因为哭过,而且失眠,眼圈依然是红红的。The plates and glassware were rimmed with gold.这些盘子和玻璃器皿都镶着金边。Horn-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.她鼻梁上架着一副角质框的眼镜。His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses.他棕色的眼睛在金框眼镜后面闪闪发光。The plate and glassware were rimmed with gold.盘子和玻璃器皿都镶着金边。The man removed the pair of silver-rimmed glasses he was wearing.这男子摘下了所戴的那副银丝边眼镜。Steel-rimmed glasses rode down on her nose.她鼻梁上架一副钢丝边眼镜。Sharp rocks rimmed the pond.池塘边是陡峭的岩石。The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds.整片湖都被密密层层的芦苇围了起来。His eyes were rimmed with fatigue.他的眼里满是倦意。She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.她现在很老了,戴着圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了胡须。




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