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词汇 right in front
例句 The van skidded to a stop right in front of the bus.运货车一打滑正好停在公共汽车的前面。Yeah, we really lucked out and got a parking space right in front.是啊,我们真走运,正好在前面有一个停车位。A car pulled out right in front of me, so that I had to slam on the brakes.一辆车一下开到我前面,我只得猛踩刹车。Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera.很少有鸟类会在镜头面前梳理自己的羽毛。It's right in front of you.它就在你前面。It happened right in front of my eyes.事情就是在我的眼皮底下发生的。He put me on the spot a bit because he invited me right in front of his mum and I didn't particularly want to go.他让我有点难堪,因为他当着他母亲的面邀请我,而我又不太想去。We climbed out of the hole right in front of two astounded policemen.我们从洞里爬出来,迎面就是两名警察,他们满脸惊讶。A woman was attacked in broad daylight, right in front of our office.一名女子光天化日之下遭到袭击,就在我们办公室前面。The back of a car appeared right in front of him.汽车尾部正对着他。He decoyed the ducks to an area right in front of the blind.他把野鸭群诱至诱饵正前方的地区。Mom grabbed my arm and scolded me, right in front of all my friends.妈妈就当着我所有朋友的面,抓着我的胳膊骂我。A woman in a huge hat came and sat right in front of us.一个戴了一顶巨大帽子的女人来了,就坐在我们的前面。




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