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词汇 riffled
例句 Her silky blonde hair riffled in the breeze.她柔软的金发在微风中拂动。He bent the cover back with his thumb and riffled the pages.他用拇指把封面窝到后面,然后开始飞快浏览内页。He riffled through the papers on his desk.他很快地翻阅桌上的文件。They riffled the Sunday papers.他们随手翻看各种星期日版报纸。She riffled through the letters, but left them still unopened.她飞快地把一应信件翻了一遍,但是一封也没去拆读。He riffled through her purse while she was out of the room.她不在房间时,他快速翻了一下她的手提包。He riffled through the stack of papers on his desk.他迅速翻阅着桌上的一摞文件。The draught riffled through the papers on the table.一阵气流掀动了桌上的文件。The summer breeze riffled the surface of the Atlantic.夏日的微风使大西洋泛起了波纹。I riffled through the pages until I reached the index.我快速翻至索引部分。I riffled through the magazine.我浏览了那本杂志。A fish nosed the surface and the water riffled.一条鱼探出水面,水面便起了涟漪。She riffled through the magazine as she sat in the waiting room.她坐在等候室里快速翻着杂志。He riffled the pages of the magazine.他草草翻阅了那本杂志。




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