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词汇 ribbons
例句 They braided the ribbons.他们把丝带编成辫状。The ribbons had all been squashed together into one box.所有的丝带都被塞进了一个盒子里。The hat was a fantastic concoction, all feathers and ribbons.这顶帽子是个奇形怪状的混合物,全是羽毛和丝带。His heart was ripped to ribbons.他的心被撕碎了。The gift was beautifully decorated with lace and ribbons.礼品用花边和饰带装点得漂漂亮亮的。Yellow ribbons were tied on trees as a tribute to the soldiers at war.人们把黄丝带系在树上,以此向战场上的士兵们致敬。Her pants were torn/cut to ribbons. 她的裤子被撕/割成了碎片。Colored ribbons were intertwined in her hair.她的头发上缠着彩带。The girl's eyes were rayed with ribbons of mascara.女孩的眼睛用睫毛膏画着一条条饰纹。He undid the ribbons and tore at the paper wrapping.他解开缎带并撕开包装纸。They stitched red and blue ribbons onto their hats.他们在帽子上缝上了红色和蓝色的缎带。You can show your support for our cause by wearing one of these red ribbons.你可以通过佩戴红丝带来表示支持我们的事业。It sells everything from hair ribbons to oriental rugs.这里出售各种商品,从发带到东方小地毯应有尽有。She braided turquoise ribbons into my hair.她给我的头发扎上了一根蓝绿色丝带。The Senate threatened to cut the President's program to ribbons.参议院威胁说要把总统的计划驳得体无完肤。The package was tied with gay ribbons.包裹用色彩鲜艳的丝带捆扎好。Our new kitten has torn the living room curtains to ribbons.我们刚养的小猫把起居室的窗帘撕成了碎片。She wore pink ribbons in her hair.她在头发上扎了粉红丝带。She twined ribbons into her hair.她用几条缎带扎发。She wore a wide-brimmed straw hat decorated with colored ribbons.她戴了一顶用彩色丝带装饰的宽边草帽。His shirt hung in tattered ribbons.他的衬衫破烂不堪,就像一堆碎布条挂在身上。The soldier proudly wore his ribbons and medals.那名士兵骄傲地佩戴着他的绥带和勋章。The horse's mane and tail were braided with ribbons and fresh flowers.马的鬃毛和尾巴上扎了丝带和鲜花。Her dress was torn to ribbons by the thorns she had come through.她的衣服在她穿过荆棘丛时被撕破了。The hem of her dress was caught up with ribbons.她的裙摆用丝带向上挽着。Snowflake ornaments and tiny red ribbons were fastened to the Christmas tree.雪花形饰物及细小的红丝带被系到圣诞树上。Someone had squashed all the ribbons together in one box.有人把所有丝带都塞进了一个盒子里。He was given commendations and bravery ribbons.他被多次授予奖状和英雄勋带。She wore a checkered jumper and had ribbons in her hair.她穿了一条格子图案的无袖连衣裙,头发上还系着缎带。The general was given bravery ribbons.那位将军被多次授于英勇勋带。Her legs were bruised and her feet were cut to ribbons.她的腿青了,脚上也划了一道道的伤痕。The room was tricked out with ribbons and streamers.这间屋子装饰了丝带和飘带。




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