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The equipment itself is getting smaller, neater and easier to find a home for.该设备本身正变得越来越小,越来越轻巧,也越来越便于存放。The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong.这些椅子结构轻巧,但很牢固。Laptop computers are becoming more lightweight.手提电脑变得更加轻巧。This light, lace dress should get you in the party spirit.这件轻巧的蕾丝裙会让你有好兴致。Modern hand-held cameras are far less cumbersome.现代的便携式摄像机远比原来的轻巧。The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong.这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。New packing materials are being evolved which are light and strong.轻巧而坚实的新包装材料正在试制出来。 |