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词汇 reverse
例句 They did the reverse of what the teacher told them to do.他们做的与老师的要求相反。They reverse engineered the software.他们对这款软件进行了倒序制作。Please sign your name on the reverse.请在文件背面签字。We cannot reverse the damage that is already done.我们无法挽回已经造成的损失。Teachers are trying to reverse the general trend of lower test scores.老师们正试图扭转测试成绩总体上的下降趋势。She piped a reverse scroll of chocolate ganache around the base of the cake.她沿着蛋糕基部裱了一圈反向卷形巧克力奶油花边。The incident threatened to put the peace process into reverse.这一事件可能会使和平进程发生逆转。Cities are expanding and using up more and more of the desert. Our aim is to reverse this trend and to protect our open spaces.城市在扩张,蚕食越来越多的荒原地。我们的目标是改变这一趋势,保护空地。Increasingly, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision.要求市政会推翻其决定的压力越来越大。The medicine may reverse the course of this disease. 这种药也许可以抑制病情的发展。The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。The reverse side of the coin has the president's head on it.这枚硬币的背面有总统的头像。US video recorders cannot play European tapes, and the same applies in reverse.美国录像机不能播放欧洲的录像带,反过来也一样。We'll switch/reverse roles this time, and you can wash the dishes while I dry them.这次我们将调换职责,你来洗盘子而我负责把它们擦干。The tractor does not have a reverse gear.这辆拖拉机没有倒挡。The talks between the labor union and workers seem to be moving in reverse.工会与工人们的商谈好像愈谈愈糟。The decrease in profit has been put into reverse.利润下降已得到了扭转。There's a picture of an eagle on the reverse of the coin.硬币的背面是只鹰的图案。He claimed that reverse discrimination was to blame for his unemployment.他声称他没有工作是因为受到了反向歧视。The British ten-pence coin has a lion on the reverse.英国十便士硬币背面的图案是一头狮子。The economic situation is certainly improving, although widespread unemployment suggests the reverse.经济形势无疑在好转,尽管广泛的失业现象说明情况正好相反。The trend towards home ownership has gone into reverse.个人拥有房屋的趋势已经发生了逆转。The people have asserted their power and that will be very difficult to reverse.人民已经维护了其当家作主的权力,这将难以改变。You don't owe me any money. If anything, the reverse is true. 你不欠我什么钱。要说欠钱,也是我欠你的。In a reverse auction, the price is driven steadily down.在反向拍卖中,物品的拍价不断下调。Some surgeons are working hard on a satisfactory way to reverse vasectomies.一些外科医师正在努力工作,以研究出一种重新接上被切除的输精管的好方法。To stop the engine, you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse (order).要想关掉发动机,你得按相反顺序重复同样的步骤。One day it may be possible to delay or even reverse the course of Alzheimer's with medication.也许有一天,人们可以用药物延缓、甚至逆转老年痴呆症的发生。Women may play in the men's league, but not the reverse. 女选手可以打男选手联赛,但反过来不行。Write your address on the reverse of the cheque.在支票背面写上你的地址。This government promises to reverse industrial decay.这届政府承诺扭转工业衰退的局面。This time it came in the reverse direction.这一次它是从相反的方向来的。The wheel will not turn in the reverse direction.这种轮子不能反向旋转。The situation is the reverse of what it seems.情形正与它看似的相反。Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。The painting was a reverse image of the original.这幅油画是原物的倒像。The economy seems to be stuck in reverse. 经济似乎还在衰退。If something goes wrong, call us and reverse the charges.如果有问题就打我们的电话,由我们付费。He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in.他倒车进车库的时候不小心撞凹了车库的门。In her latest film, the story is told in reverse. We see the main character as an adult in the beginning and as a child at the end.在她的最新影片中,故事以倒叙形式讲述。我们看到的主人公在开头是成年人,在结尾是孩子。




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