例句 |
When I told her that she looked beautiful, she returned the compliment by saying that I looked very handsome.我说她漂亮,她反过来夸我很英俊。The actors have entertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.这些演员使我们度过了一个愉快的周末,我觉得我们该答谢他们了。The actors have entertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.这周末演员们给我们带来了精彩的演出,我觉得我们该回请他们了。They didn't take a lot of notice of me, and I returned the compliment.他们对我爱理不理的,我就照样回敬。 |