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Meanwhile, as the politicians haggle, the violence worsens.在政客们大打嘴仗的同时,暴力事件愈演愈烈。Ella taught her how to haggle with the market traders.埃拉教她如何与市场商贩讨价还价。You have to brazen yourself and haggle hard.你得厚着脸皮拼命讨价还价。Of course he'll still haggle over the price.他一准还会杀价。She laughed again, enjoying the haggle.她又大笑起来,享受着砍价的乐趣。Ella taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers.埃拉教她如何和旧家具经销商砍价。If you go to a street market, you'd better be prepared to haggle.如果你去路边市场,要作好讨价还价的准备。 |