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词汇 Return
例句 Ethiopian Jews were entitled to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.按《回归法》的规定,埃塞俄比亚的犹太人有权移民到以色列。Return the pan to the heat and stir.把平底锅重新加热并搅拌里面的食物。Return as much money as you borrowed.你借多少钱就还多少钱。The Israeli Law of Return confers Israeli citizenship on any Jew.以色列《回归法》授予每个犹太人以色列公民身份。Return the form with the remittance to this office.把表格连同汇款一并寄回本办公室。Return envelopes were colour-coded with red trim for Kansas, green for Ohio.堪萨斯州的回件信封标上红边,俄亥俄州的回件信封标上绿边。Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided.请于今日将随函附上的捐款表格用所提供的邮资预付信封寄回。Return the bowl to the heat to warm through.把碗放回加热器把它热透。Return your seat to an upright position for landing.飞机准备降落,请调直座椅。Return the pan to the heat and simmer for a further 5-10 minutes.把锅放回炉火上,慢慢再煮五至十分钟。Return whence you came.回到你来的地方去。Return your empties here.此处回收空瓶。Return the completed form immediately.请立即交回填好的表格。Return immediately you are done.事情一做完就回来。Return the dish to the oven to heat through before serving.先把这道菜送回烤箱热透了再上桌。




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