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词汇 retort
例句 She made a clever retort.她做出了巧妙的反驳。She put him down with a sharp retort.她辛辣的反驳令他哑口无言。He was wounded by her sharp retort.她尖刻的反唇相讥伤害了他。Ellie's angry retort surprised Max.埃莉的怒言反驳使马克斯吃了一惊。He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort.在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。He bit back a sharp retort.他强忍着没有反唇相讥。Conservative loyalists in the press were quick to retort.报界的保守派忠君者马上予以反驳。She could never think of a clever retort to counter Ben's string of jokes and witticisms.本笑话不断,妙语连珠,而她却想不出一句俏皮的话来反击他。He was taken aback by her sharp retort.被她尖刻地一顶,他大吃一惊。His retort made her angry.他的回嘴使她发怒。His sharp retort clearly made an impact.他尖刻的反驳显然起了作用。His abrupt retort clearly made an impact.他出其不意的反驳无疑产生了效果。Her retort was mechanical.她的反驳是脱口而出的。Rose flushed with annoyance and seemed about to make a sharp retort.罗斯气得满脸通红,好像要作出尖锐的反驳。He hurled a retort at his accuser.他大声驳斥指责他的人。She shot a retort to the insult.她因受辱而立即加以回击。I resisted a cutting retort and simply shook my head.我忍住了没有挖苦反驳,只是摇了摇头。Others retort that strong central power is a dangerous thing in Russia.其他人反驳说强大的中央集权在俄罗斯是很危险的。The sheer mildness of the retort makes it suspect.如此温和的反驳令人生疑。I couldn't come up with a witty retort.我想不出机智的话进行反驳。Others retort that strong central power is a dangerous thing.其他人反驳说,强有力的中央政权是很危险的。Tamar bit back the retort which sprang to her lips.塔马话已到嘴边,但是她忍住了,没有反驳。He opened his mouth to make a sarcastic retort.他张嘴就回了一句,语带讥讽。




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