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词汇 battles
例句 As a parent, you have to pick your battles.作为父母,你必须决定哪些事值得一搏。His account vividly brings to mind the descriptions of battles in Homer.他的描述生动得使人联想起荷马史诗中描写的那些战争场面。He fought his bloodless battles in the courtroom.他在法庭上进行了不流血的战斗。Richard was a veteran of many battles.理查是个身经百战的老兵。He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅仅发号施令,还身先士卒参加了几次激战。Mr Jones decided that his son was old enough now to fight his own battles.琼斯先生认定儿子现已到了自力更生的年纪。Since the cease-fire there have been no major battles, only scattered firefights.停火以来没有发生过重大的战斗,只不过有一些稀稀拉拉的交火。Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.赢得战争靠战略,打赢战役靠战术。They were staying in the capital at the time of the riots and witnessed several street battles.暴乱期间他们在首都,目击了好几起巷战。He rarely fought his political battles in the open. 他很少公开地进行政治斗争。And the actual battles are shaping up very well.而实际战斗被塑造得很棒。He turned out to have more battles with the Congress than any president since Andrew Johnson.结果他是自安德鲁·约翰逊以来和国会斗争最多的一任总统。She had fought many battles, vanquished many foes.她身经百战,挫败过很多对手。The boys re-enacted the strategies in mock battles.男孩们在模拟战中重现了那些战略。Pitched battles were fought with the police.发生了数次和警察之间的激烈冲突。That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.那场持续了两天的战斗已成为史上最著名的战役之一。During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.大野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles.游击队避免打部署严密的战斗。Ten years ago the city was paralyzed by gang battles over turf.十年之前,该城市因为黑帮之间争夺地盘而陷入瘫痪。He began to recollect those battles in the war that he had witnessed.他开始追忆自己在战争中目睹的那几次战斗。Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified.有关这一系列战役的报道常被人们美化。It's all right, Mum. I can fight my own battles.没关系,妈妈,我自己能应付挑战。The Government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in rebel-held areas.政府坚称部队不会卷入叛军控制地区的战斗。Every summer, our history club performs mock battles to relive our country's greatest war.每年夏天,我们历史俱乐部都进行模拟战,以重新体验我国最伟大的战争。But there will be a second battle and a third battle, and battles to the end of time.但是还会有第二次、第三次战役,永无休止地打下去。 Mum, I can fight my own battles now.妈,我现在可以独自应付了。He was appalled to discover members of the board fighting damaging personal battles.他惊恐地发现董事会成员正在进行你死我活的私人争斗。It was only after many legal battles that he agreed to hand over the farm.只有在经历了多次法庭争辩之后,他才答应交出农场。He saw active service in several battles in the last war.在上次战争中他参加过好几次战斗。They fought running battles in the narrow streets with police.他们在狭窄的街道上和警察打起了游击战。Sometimes between battles, there were long stretches of time when nothing happened.有时候两战之间会有长期风平浪静的日子。My parents believed in leaving me to fight my own battles.我父母认为应该让我自己去打拼。The crowding could lead to more battles and more wounds, which are a frequent sight.这样的拥挤可以导致它们之间更多的搏斗和受伤,血淋淋是常见的景象。Fighting legal battles is draining the company's resources.打官司使公司资财消耗殆尽。Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police.很多人在与警方的持续冲突中受伤。The Government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in Bosnia.政府坚称军队不会卷入波斯尼亚的冲突。His memoirs are simply a blow-by-blow account of battles, and contain very little personal comment or reflection.他的回忆录只是对战斗的详细叙述,几乎没有个人的评述或看法。




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