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词汇 reserve for
例句 The quarterdeck is usually reserved for officers.上层的后甲板通常是供军官使用的。The front row of chairs was reserved for local worthies.前面的一排椅子是为当地要人预留的。He is first reserve for Liverpool.他是利物浦队的第一号替补队员。Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to knock 'em dead.魅惑彩妆最好留在你想把所有人都迷倒的时候用。This part of the restaurant is reserved for non-smokers.餐厅的这个区域留给不抽烟的人。He realized that he had found his métier, having previously thought that finance was a world reserved for Ivy Leaguers.他意识到终于找到了适合自己的职业,先前他还以为金融业都是留给那些常春藤名校毕业生的呢。This table is reserved for someone else.这张桌子被别人预订了。This chapel is reserved for private prayer.这个祈祷室是留给私人祈祷用的。In the United States lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant.在美国,多人乘坐的汽车有专行道。She spoke in a tone of voice she usually reserved for dealing with officials.她以通常与官员打交道时才用的语气说话。The sort of goods once reserved for the elite are now available to everyone.曾经供上层人士专用的商品现在任何人都能买到。The front row is reserved for faculty.前排是教师专用席。A separate room is reserved for smokers.有一间独立房间是留给吸烟者用的。Her strongest criticism was reserved for the prime minister whom she accused of "nauseating hypocrisy".她对首相的批评最为激烈,指责他“虚伪得令人作呕”。Water was reserved for drinking or medicinal uses.贮水是为了饮用或者药用。The garden is private, reserved for the use of employees.花园不对外开放,仅供员工游览。A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。They reserved for themselves the choicest plums.他们把最好的留给自己。The controversial plan is now held in reserve for the future.这项有争议的计划现已搁置,留待日后再议。Chocolate is best reserved for the occasional treat if you have a weight problem.如果有体重问题,巧克力最好只偶尔吃一次。He gave me a look of the sort usually reserved for naughty school-children.他用那种一般看顽皮学童的特有目光朝我看了一眼。This china is reserved for special occasions.这件瓷器是为特殊场合预留的。Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to go all out to knock 'em dead.魅惑彩妆最好留到你竭力想把所有人都迷倒的时候。Mason occupied two spaces on a tier of seats normally reserved for the board of directors and important visitors.梅森在其中一排座位上占了两个位子,那排座位通常是为董事会成员和贵宾预留的。It's a good idea to keep a little money in reserve for those unexpected emergencies.存一点钱放着,在突发的紧急情况可以用,这是个很好的办法。Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。They sold half the wood and kept the rest in reserve for winter.他们把一半木柴卖了,剩下的储存起来过冬用。The restaurant has a small rear room reserved for habitués.这家餐馆有一小间里屋雅座专门保留给老主顾。Walk straight for five minutes, you will see a swath of land reserved for the construction of the mall.你直走五分钟,就会看到一块保留来建造商城的长方形土地。A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller.已用穆勒的名字为他预订了一个双人间。The best seats in the theater were reserved for the fat cats.剧院最好的位子预留给了大佬们A great future is reserved for you.伟大的前程正等待着你。The self-catering flats are usually reserved for postgraduate students.可以自己做饭的公寓一般留给研究生住。Beds were reserved for visitors in transients quarters.临时住宿部为过往客人保留了床铺。She spoke in a tone of voice that she usually reserved for her students. 她用一种通常跟学生交谈时使用的语气讲话。The parking spaces are reserved for customers.这些停车位是供顾客使用的。These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是为特别来宾保留的。This problem should be reserved for further consideration.这个问题应留到以后进一步考虑。




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