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词汇 可取之处
例句 The sole redeeming feature of your behaviour is that you're not denying it.你的行为中唯一可取之处就是你没有否认错误。His proposal has much to recommend it.他的建议有不少可取之处His sense of humour was his only saving grace.他的幽默感是他唯一的可取之处He has little/nothing to recommend him as a political candidate. 作为一名政治候选人,他几乎没有/没有什么可取之处The job's only redeeming feature is the employee discount.这份工作唯一的可取之处就是员工折扣。That play's only saving grace was that it didn't last long.那出戏的唯一可取之处是它不算太长。This hotel has nothing to recommend it except cheapness.这旅馆除了价钱便宜之外一无可取之处His one redeeming feature is his diligence in his studies.他仅有的一点可取之处是学习还算勤奋。They were accused of trying to emasculate the report's recommendations.他们被指责企图贬低报告的可取之处They are discussing the merits of the proposal.他们在讨论该提案的可取之处His sense of humour is his saving grace.幽默感是他的唯一可取之处The suggestion has some merit.这个建议有可取之处This book is very badly written, and its only saving grace is its interesting color photographs.这本书写得很糟糕,唯一可取之处就是书上那些有趣的彩色照片。I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢,没有任何可取之处That movie had no redeemable qualities whatsoever. 那部电影没有任何可取之处None of the characters in her novels have any redeeming features.她的小说中没有一个人物有什么可取之处The hotel had a single redeeming feature – it was cheap.这家酒店只有一个可取之处 — 就是便宜。The one redeeming feature of the plan was its low cost.这个计划的一个可取之处就是成本低。Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved.你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。Your idea has much to recommend it.你的主意有许多可取之处I hate this house. Its only saving grace is that it's near the centre of town.我讨厌这房子,它唯一可取之处就是离镇中心近。Does this institution have any redeeming features?这个机构有什么可取之处吗?There is some merit in his argument.他的论据中有些可取之处Coal is relatively expensive but its redeeming feature is that it is in plentiful supply.煤相对比较贵,但是它的可取之处是供应充足。The film is something of a curate's egg.这部电影不怎么样,但还有可取之处Good grooming is itself a recommendation in a job applicant.整洁大方的衣饰本身就是一名求职者的可取之处Her only saving grace is her sense of humour.她唯一的可取之处是还有幽默感。The only redeeming feature in this film is the battle scene in the stadium.这部影片唯一的可取之处就是那场体育场里的打斗戏。The play's only saving grace was the high standard of acting.这出戏唯一的可取之处是高水平的演技。




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