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词汇 salient
例句 Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.慢性疲劳也是抑郁症的显著特征之一。He read the salient facts quickly.他快速浏览了重要的事实。The soldiers had to remain in a deathtrap salient for most of the rest of the war.随后的战争中,士兵们大部分时间只能呆在最危险的突出阵地里。He took me around our new offices, pointing out all the salient features.他带我去参观我们的新办公室,并一一指出其显著特色。For the more salient remarks on the matter, cf. Isis Unveiled, Vol. I.关于这个问题的更重要的评论,参看《揭开面纱的伊希斯》第一卷。The salient points of his plan are summed up in this report.他的计划的要点在这个报告中作了概括。I'll give you the salient facts.我将告诉你主要的事实。Some salient provisions are summarized hereunder. 一些重要的供应品归结于下。




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