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词汇 battled
例句 They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与白人并肩对敌。Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.加布里埃尔的同辈都在与毒品作斗争,而他的问题却集中在他的婚姻上。The silence spread as he battled to unscramble his thoughts and find the right thing to say.他努力理清思路,想要找到适合的话题,所以一度沉默了下来。Firefighters with heavy lifting gear battled to free the survivors from the wreckage.消防队员带上很重的升降起重装置,奋力解救废墟里面的幸存者。Gallantly they battled on.他们勇敢地战斗下去。Firefighters battled the walls of flames.消防员与一道道火墙搏斗。We battled through the snowstorm.我们在暴风雪中挣扎。Rival gangs battled for supremacy.敌对的犯罪集团为争夺霸主地位而争斗。The team battled bravely to win their last game.这支队伍为赢得最后一场比赛奋力拼搏。Doctors battled to save her.医生们为挽救她的生命而奋战。The two families have battled for control of the land for many years.两个家庭多年来一直在争夺这块土地的控制权。The sailors battled with the winds and waves.水手们与风浪搏斗。The climbers battled/braved the elements to reach the summit.登山者们冒着风雨登顶。He told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips.他给我们讲述他登山时是怎样顶住坏天气的。Margery's grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。Firemen battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.虽然注定要失败,但消防员们仍然奋力穿过烟雾去抢救那些孩子。Firefighters battled to get the blaze under control.消防人员奋力控制住火势的蔓延。She's battled alcoholism most of her life, but she's in recovery now.她大半生都在与酗酒问题做斗争,但现在已经戒酒了。Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life.医生们彻夜奋战来挽救她的生命。Doctors battled in vain to save his life.医生们奋力挽救他的生命,但没有成功。Again and again I was thrown upwards from my bunk as the ship battled through the storm.船在暴风雨中行驶,我一次又一次地从床铺上被抛起来。I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.我备受良心的煎熬,不知是否真的应该把这封信寄出去。Police battled hand-to-hand with mask-wearing protesters.警察与戴着面具的抗议者发生了肉搏战。Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中受伤。Kirk battled for eight hours to free himself from the wreckage.柯克奋斗了八个小时才从残骸中挣脱出来。The surgeons battled to save her sight.外科医生奋力保住她的视力。Competitors battled it out against the clock.参赛选手为了夺取胜利而争分夺秒。Her life was in a downward spiral as she battled depression and addiction.在与忧郁症和毒瘾抗争的过程中,她的生活每况愈下。They battled to keep their son out of jail.他们为让儿子免于牢狱之苦而拼尽了全力。I battled my way through droves of shoppers.我奋力挤过一群又一群的购物者。The couple battled fiercely over how to spend their money.这对夫妇就如何花钱的问题激烈争吵。Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.消防队员奋力穿过烟雾企图去救孩子们,而这注定是要失败的。Contestants battled it out on a desert island.参赛者们在荒岛上一决胜负。Doctors battled to save the little boy's life.医生们奋力抢救小男孩的生命。Doctors battled to save his life.医生奋力挽救他的生命。The army battled for control of the bridge.军队为取得那座桥的控制权而战。He battled with cancer for many months.他与癌症斗争了好多个月。In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。Sometimes they battled for hours over a single word or sentence.有时他们只是为了一个词或一个句子而争论数小时。The boat battled the mighty flux of the river.小船与河水的激流搏斗




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