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例句 These films represent a major body of work.这些影片代表了主要的作品。Political leaders need to be answerable to the people they represent.政治领袖需要对他们所代表的人民负责。The painter used different textures and shades to represent the seasons.画家用不同的质感与色度来表现季节。He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred.他用火来比喻仇恨。The book purported to represent the lives of ordinary people.这本书声称旨在展现普通人的生活。The city's populations represent a broad/wide spectrum of society.城市的各类人群代表了广泛的社会阶层。The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.这些数据表明人类经受了如此深重的苦难,对此人们都不愿想起。In the game of charades, one player uses pantomime to represent a word or phrase that the other players have to try to guess.在哑谜猜字游戏中,一名选手用动作或表情表达词或短语,另一个选手猜。The two parties represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.这两个政党代表了政治上的两端。I know who you are and whom you represent.我知道你是谁并代表谁。His novels have been criticized for the negative way in which they represent women.他的小说因消极地描写了女性而受到指责。The new prices represent a substantial increase over last year's prices.新的价格在去年的基础上有了大幅增长。To many local people these castles represent a hundred years of foreign domination.对许多当地居民说来,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。The candidates represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.这些候选人分别代表着政治光谱中的两个极端。It's an abstract design that's supposed to represent freedom and strength.这是一种意在象征自由和力量的抽象设计。For most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse.对于大多数普通工人来说,新税法代表着负担增加。They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.他们选了一位著名律师为他们出庭辩护。These earnings, translated into pounds, represent half of our total profits.这些收入折算为英镑的话占了我们全部利润的一半。The athletes will represent China in this year's Olympic Games.这些运动员将在今年的奥运会上代表中国队。The figures represent a general decline in employment.这些数字显示就业人数总体在下降。The court ordered the appointment of an attorney to represent the child.法院下令委派一名律师为这个孩子辩护。Some of the symbols carry meaning and some just represent sounds.有些符号具有含义,而有些只代表声音。Guevara has come to represent a powerful symbol of defiance.格瓦拉已成为代表反抗力量的强有力象征。These drawings represent a selection from a larger exhibition.这些画作是从一个较大的展会上选出来的。Their new designs represent a departure from their usual style.他们的新设计摆脱了一贯的风格。These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.这两个人可能被认为是两种截然相反的经济思想体系的代表者。These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy.这些提议表明了政策的重大变化。I've been picked out to represent the team.我被选中代表整个团队。The idea that these TV shows represent typical American life is laughable.认为这些电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照,这样的想法是荒唐可笑的。She was chosen to represent France at the Olympics.她获选代表法国参加奥运会。Does the budget represent a departure from stated government policy?这项预算是否意味着对政府既定政策的偏离? Each class will elect two students to represent them on the School Council.每班将选出两名学生在学校委员会里当代表。That would represent a huge setback in the fight to change our criminal justice system.那将会是在刑事司法体制改革中遇到的重大挫折。His job is to represent the views of the majority.他的任务就是陈述大多数人的观点。Numbers of casualties among refugees represent an appalling indictment of Western policy.难民中伤亡人数之多是对西方政策的有力控诉。We believe you represent everything British racing needs.我们相信你代表了英国赛马所需要的一切。My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics.我唯一的目标是代表英国参加奥运会。He was elected to represent a Liverpool constituency.他当选为利物浦选区代表。Emerging markets in Asia and Latin America represent the best export opportunities for us.亚洲及拉丁美洲的新兴市场是我们最好的出口机遇。We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great — hard work.是辛勤劳动成就了这个国家,而我们就是这一品质硕果仅存的代表。




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