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词汇 运输
例句 Transporting the specimens requires great care.运输这些样品需要格外小心。The goods had been mishandled during transit.货物在运输过程中被随意放置。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.公司提供泡沫隔垫,在运输过程中保护药品免遭损害。It's a transport combine.这是运输联合企业。These trucks proved their mettle in army transport.部队运输证明这些卡车经久耐用。Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan.这样一个港口将会使中东至日本的石油运输变得便捷。The equipment had to be taken apart and transported in pieces.这台设备必须拆开运输Pit ponies were used in most mines at the turn of the last century.上世纪初多数矿井都用矮种马进行井下运输The transport strike had all sorts of repercussions on other industries.运输行业罢工给其他行业也带来了各种不良后果。The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.大部分的进出口货物都是通过海路运输的。He was released from duty with the Second Transport Company.他被解除在第二运输连的职务。We need more investment in natural gas distribution and transportation.在天然气的分送和运输方面我们需要更多的投资。One of the big west coast towing companies was contracted to do the haulage.西海岸最大的拖运公司之一签约承担此项运输任务。We need better regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous waste along public roads.在公共道路上运输有害垃圾,需要有更完善的条例监管。Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运输的食品,控制了救济人员。Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.运输计划应与能源政策整合起来。The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation…行李正在迅速装载等待运输The pipes are connected end to end for long-distance transport of fluids.管子首尾相接用于远距离运输液体。It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives.运输炸药要有点胆量。The goods were ready for transport.这批货物等待运输The city suspended bus service during the storm.暴风雨期间城市的公交运输中断了。Please return any items that are damaged during shipping.请将所有运输中受损的物品退回。Highways and railways help out with the transportation problem.公路和铁路有助于解决运输问题。The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation.草莓一直冷藏,以免在运输过程中变质。If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.货物若在运输途中丢失,承运人有责任赔偿。Researchers are looking at ways to maintain live weight in cattle during transportation.研究者们在寻找运输过程中保持活牛体重的方法。There are many problems in transporting live animals.运输活物有很多问题。The committee's exclusive focus will be to improve public transportation.委员会唯一关心的焦点将是改善公共交通运输Cheese continues to ripen while in transit, so storage is important.干酪在运输途中会继续成熟,因此保存方法很重要。The transport union has confirmed that the strike is definitely on.运输工会已证实肯定会举行罢工。The emergency building is transported in individual modules, such as bedrooms and a kitchen, which are put together on site.应急住房以单独的组件运输,如卧室和厨房,它们可以当场进行组装。The melons are transported in large wooden crates.这些瓜是装在大板条箱中运输的。The transport helicopter he was in collided with another and crashed.他乘坐的运输直升机与另外一架直升机相撞坠毁了。As transportation improves, distances seem to lessen.随着运输的进步,距离似乎缩短了。The article discussed the illegal transport and dumping of dangerous chemicals.这篇文章论述了危险化学制品的非法运输与倾卸问题。He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car.他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输The table was damaged in shipping.这张桌子在运输的时候被损坏了。We found out that the vehicle was not much good for transporting heavy loads.我们发现这辆车对运输分量重的货物没多大用处。Some of the goods were lost in transit. 有些货物在运输过程中丢失了。The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of nuclear weapons being transported through Europe.这起事件使人们关注到经欧洲运输的核武器的安全和保安问题。




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