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例句 We cut the trees down to make the lake visible from the house.我们把树砍倒,这样在屋里就能看见湖了。Ellen saw the pain etched on his face when he mentioned his ex-wife's name.埃伦提到他前妻的名字时,能看见刻在他脸上的痛苦。We could see a billion stars in the sky.我们能看见天上无数的星星。She could still see the light flickering behind her closed lids.闭上眼睛她仍能看见灯光闪烁。The mill can be seen grinding wheat.能看见磨粉机在碾磨小麦。You can see a larger version of the picture by clicking on the thumbnail.点击缩略图,你就能看见放大的图片。I could see Jenny in the kitchen.能看见珍妮在厨房里。The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside.从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。From the hotel window, they could see lights winking on the bay.透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾一带灯光摇曳。They finally came within sight of the gates.他们终于到了能看见大门的地方。He could see her across the street.能看见马路对面的她。Put the picture where I can see it.把图片放在我能看见的地方。All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof.而外面的世界,你所能看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。A wander around the market reveals a great variety of vegetables.在市场上随便逛逛就能看见各种各样的蔬菜。I could just see her face and her tumbled hair.我只能看见她的脸和蓬乱的头发。The mist and rain enveloped the forest so that we could only see the nearest trees.整座森林笼罩在雨雾中,我们只能看见身边的树木。The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded.光线暗了下来,只能看见山的轮廓。The steel works could be seen for miles.这个钢厂几英里外都能看见Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner.只要你心诚,往喷泉里扔下一根大头针,然后盯着泉水看,就能看见未来伴侣的影子。I could just see the hills in the far distance.我仅能看见远处的山峦。I can see her.能看见她。She could see a figure through the fog.透过雾色,她能看见一个身影。If you look closely, you can see a nest in that tree.如果仔细看,你能看见树上有个鸟窝。We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.我们盼着今晚能看见布朗夫人和尊驾。We could just see the white clifftops in the distance.我们刚好能看见远处白色的悬崖顶部。We could see people gathering down yonder by the riverbank.我们能看见人们向河岸那边聚集。She could be seen waiting for him behind half-closed shutters.能看见她在半开的百叶窗后等着他。They could see lights winking on the bay.他们能看见海湾一带灯光摇曳。The optic nerve in the eye allows you to see.眼睛里的视神经让人能看见The hotel is within sight of the ocean. 从这家饭店能看见大海。I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.能看见黎明的微风在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道涟漪。Can you read what that sign says?能看见那个指示牌上写着什么吗?We could see the lion's muscles ripple.我们能看见这头狮子一起一伏的肌肉。She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage.她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌。Our room had a stunning view of the lake.从我们的房间能看见美妙的湖景。When you are there, in the polling booth, nobody can see where you put your cross.在投票间投票时,没人能看见你投给谁。His father forlornly hoped someone might have seen them.他的父亲徒然地希望有人可能看见他们。We could see deer tracks in the crusty snow bank.我们能看见鹿群在坚硬的雪堤上留下的痕迹。The star is bright enough to see with the naked eye.那颗星星很亮,肉眼就能看见I can see him.能看见他。




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