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词汇 battered
例句 Businesses in the area have been battered by the bad economy.这个地区的企业因经济不振受到重创。Lashing rain and fierce winds have battered parts of the country today.大雨狂风今天在这一带肆虐。A karate expert battered a man to death.一位空手道高手将一名男子毒打致死。He bought the battered truck from a scrapyard.他从废品回收场买来了这辆破旧卡车。There was nothing in his office except for a few battered chairs.他的办公室里除了几张破椅子外空无一物。The police force has had its image severely battered by the commission's findings.委员会的调查结果使警察的形象受到严重的损害。She would often be seen driving around town in her battered old car.人们经常看见她开着她那辆老破车满城转。Her battered body was discovered in a field.在田野里发现了她的尸体,生前曾遭到重击。Her suitcase was scarred and battered from years of use.她的手提箱因长年使用而满是划痕和磨损。A battered old Chevrolet rattled past.一辆破旧的雪佛兰咔嗒咔嗒着驶过。Roger zipped up the battered black case he carried his guitar in.罗杰拉上破旧的黑色吉他匣套的拉链。For thousands of years, these mountaintops have been battered by sun, wind, and rain.数千年来,这些山的顶部遭受日晒、风吹、雨淋,已被侵蚀。Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defence, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个饱受虐待的女人,她在一时精神错乱的情况下出于自卫杀了人。The ship was battered by the waves.船不断受到海浪拍打。She battered away at his chest with her fists.她用拳头捶打着他的胸口。Brazil's stock markets were battered by contagion from the problems in other emerging markets.巴西股票市场因为世界上其他新兴市场问题的蔓延而受到了重创。The jury heard how Thompson had been maddened by what he saw and battered his wife to death.陪审团听取了证词,说汤普森如何因为所看到之事气得发疯,把妻子殴打至死。Teachers suspect that the child is being battered regularly by his parents.老师怀疑这孩子时常被父母殴打。He battered her around the head.他连续重击她的头部。Mason cuts a battered but defiant figure.梅森显得饱经风霜,目中无人。He forced his opponent into the corner and battered him with a series of hard punches.他将对手逼到角落,狠狠地给了他一连串的重拳。The battered old door was swinging on its hinges.那扇有了年月的破旧的门在绕着合页上的门轴转动。She carried a battered old suitcase.她拎一个破旧的手提箱。The fireman battered the door down with a heavy axe.救火员用大斧把门劈开。I'm going to replace my battered car with a new one.我打算买辆新车来取代我那辆破车。He carried the same battered green journal with him on all his travels.他每次出门都带着同一本绿色的旧日记。The coast has been battered by torrential rain all week.整整一周,大雨在沿海地区肆虐。His only possession was a battered old suitcase of clothes.他仅有的财产是装在一只破旧手提箱里的一些衣服。She felt emotionally battered.她觉得感情上备受创伤。When the assault was over, Jack stood up, battered and bruised.遭遇袭击后,杰克站起身,伤痕累累。I riffed through the battered book.我信手把那本破旧的书翻阅了一遍。The men on the quivering, battered boat were mad with terror.那艘摇摇晃晃的破旧小船上的人害怕得发疯了。Many states have enacted battered-child laws.许多州已经制定了保护受虐儿童的法律。Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。It's very hard for battered women to rebuild their lives without a good support network.如果没有一个得力的救助协会的帮助,受虐妇女很难重新开始新的生活。Storms battered the shore.暴风雨在海岸肆虐。Her ex-husband had battered her for many years.她的前夫对她施暴多年。It is a myth that battered women deserve or want to be beaten.认为受虐待的妇女是活该或自己讨打,这是一个错误的观念。The baby had been viciously battered to death.这个小宝宝被残忍地殴打致死。Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes.成千上万的人不顾一切地想要离开他们千疮百孔的家园。




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