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The twelve-mile coastline has magnificent scenery.十二英里的海岸线十分壮观。The coastline was mapped by early explorers.早期开拓者在地图上标出了这条海岸线。They sailed along the rugged coastline.他们沿着多岩石的海岸线航行。This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world.这里的海岸线属于世界上最无遮蔽的一段了。Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.庞然大物般的现代旅馆已经完全毁掉了这片曾经如世外桃源般的海岸。We had been on the boat for several hours when I noticed the coastline slowly becoming visible.我们在船上几个小时以后,我看到海岸线渐渐变得清晰可见。She did a painting of the region's rugged coastline.她以该地区崎岖的海岸线为题材作了一幅画。She sailed the Atlantic coastline.她沿着大西洋海岸航行。The oil spill has spoiled the whole beautiful coastline.溢出的石油破坏了整段漂亮的海岸线。Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。They're sailing around the Atlantic coastline of Florida.他们绕着佛罗里达州的大西洋海岸线航行。The coastline can now be monitored by radar.现在海岸线能用雷达监测。Environmentalists are concerned about possible damage to some of the most beautiful stretches of Welsh coastline.环保主义者担心威尔士最漂亮的几段海岸线可能会被破坏。The trend of the coastline is to the south.海岸线是向南延伸的。A storm has been battering the coastline.暴风雨肆虐海岸线。The path followed the coastline for several miles, then bore inland.这条小路沿着海岸线延伸了几英里,然后转向内陆。Cornwall has some of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Britain.康沃尔拥有英国最美的几条海岸线。Because of their long wavelengths, mega-tsunamis are extremely destructive when they hit a coastline. 因为其很长的波长,超级海啸袭击海岸线时具有极度的破坏性。The map showed the contour of the coastline.这张地图标示了海岸线的轮廓。The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist.蜿蜒绵长的美丽海岸线笼罩在薄雾中。Thousands of volunteers gave up part of their weekend to clean up the California coastline.几千名志愿者放弃周末的部分休息时间,来清理加利福尼亚州的海岸。The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline.托船驶离卡尔弗特岛海岸朝哈凯航道驶去。They fish off the Wanganui coastline.他们在离旺阿努伊海岸线不远的海上钓鱼。Birds, sea-life, and the coastline all suffered grievously.鸟类、海洋生物和海岸线都受到严重损害。The road follows the Pacific coastline.公路沿着太平洋海岸线延伸。The coastline is rugged.这条海岸线崎岖不平。The plane flew along the eastern coastline.飞机沿着东海岸线飞行。The stretch of coastline between Barcelona and the French border is called the Costa Brava.巴塞罗那与法国边境之间的一段海岸线叫布拉瓦海岸。Lake Powell's irregular coastline has many unspoiled beaches and secluded inlets.在鲍威尔湖曲折的湖岸线上,有许多原始的沙滩和僻静的小港。Ships barricaded the coastline.舰船封锁了海岸线。The purpose of the expedition was to explore the North American coastline.这次探险的目的是考察北美的海岸。It lies between the plain and the sea at an oblique angle to the coastline.它位于平原与大海之间,跟海岸线形成一个斜角。One after another, tropical storms battered the Pacific coastline.热带风暴接二连三地在太平洋沿岸肆虐。There have been many shipwrecks along this dangerous stretch of coastline.在这段危险的海岸线上,已经发生了很多起沉船事件。The coastline was exposed to the direct force of the hurricane.那片海岸遭到飓风的直接侵袭。The road zigzags along a rocky coastline.道路沿着岩石嶙峋的海岸蜿蜒延伸。It was flat, featureless coastline.那是一段单调而毫无特色的海岸线。The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist.美丽的海岸线一望无际,笼罩在迷雾之中。We had a spectacular view of the coastline from the plane.在飞机上能看到海岸线壮观的景色。The city sprawls along the coastline.城市沿海岸线无计划地扩展。 |