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词汇 reluctantly
例句 He reluctantly admitted to knowing her. 他不情愿地承认认识她。She reluctantly agreed to pay the fine.她勉强同意交罚款。The reporter asked her for an interview, and she reluctantly agreed. 记者要求采访她,她勉强同意了。She reluctantly decided to sell her home.她很不情愿地决定卖掉房子。Mrs. Bernson reluctantly agreed to help prepare for the conference.伯恩逊太太勉强同意帮忙准备这次会议。Charlie reluctantly returned to his seat.查利不情愿地回到了自己的座位。He reluctantly consented to the material being edited.他勉强同意了正在编辑修改的材料。I was reluctantly persuaded to join the committee.我勉强被说服加入了委员会。I reluctantly turned down her offer of a bed for the night.她要给我准备一张床过夜,我不情愿地拒绝了。She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.她不情愿地跟在父母后面慢吞吞地走。We've reluctantly decided to sell the house.我们已经很不情愿地决定卖掉房子。They shuffled along somewhat reluctantly.他们有些不情愿地拖着脚走着。I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open.我听到门闩被缓慢而吃力地拉开的声音。He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意女儿的婚事。We have reluctantly decided to close the factory.我们很不情愿地决定关闭工厂。She reluctantly accepted.她不情愿地接受了。In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution.为了竭力避免败局,他勉强答应要对宪法进行大规模修改。He reluctantly conceded that he was not fit enough to play.他不情愿地承认自己状态不好,应付不了比赛。She reluctantly agreed to be interviewed.她勉强同意接受采访。Chris went with her, albeit reluctantly.尽管勉强,克里斯还是同她一起去了。When she noted that the economy was actually improving, he grudgingly/reluctantly conceded the point. 当她提到经济实际上正在好转时,他勉强承认了这一点。Molly finally agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to go and see a doctor.莫莉最终同意去看医生了,尽管有点勉强。We have reluctantly agreed to let him go.我们不情愿地同意放他走。Carrie smelled coffee and her eyes opened reluctantly.卡丽闻到了咖啡香,这才勉强睁开了眼睛。He trod heavily and reluctantly up the stairs.他拖着沉重的脚步,极不情愿地上了楼。Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚事。




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