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词汇 relieved
例句 The brown hills were relieved by patches of green.褐色的山上点缀著一片片的绿色植物就不显得单调了。I've been relieved of the responsibility of choosing a successor.我已经解脱了,不用再负责挑选接班人了。We were greatly relieved at the news of their safe return.听说他们平安归来后,我们如释重负。Everyone was relieved when the ceremony at the Ambassador's residence went off without a hitch.大使官邸里举行的这个庆典非常顺利,大家都松了一口气。I wasn't angry when he finally turned up – just very relieved.他最后终于出现时,我没有生气,只是感到松了一口气。His departure had relieved her of great anxiety.他的离开让她严重的焦虑有所缓解。The pickpocket delicately relieved him of his wallet.扒手巧妙地偷走了他的钱包。I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that everyone is safe.我简直无法向你描述我得知大家都安全时心情有多轻松。I'm so relieved that I don't have to make a speech - it's such a weight off my mind!不必作演讲让我长舒了一口气——这下我心上的石头可落地了!The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.在上个月的政府全面改组中,前任部长被解职了。A relieved smile spread over his face.他脸上绽开了宽心的笑容。He relieved in the game for the Red Team last Saturday.上周六比赛时他为红队当替补投手。The hostages simply look relieved to be going home.快要回家了,人质看起来轻松极了。The minister was relieved of his post.部长被解除了职务。I felt greatly relieved to receive this assurance.得到这个保证后,我感觉放心多了。She felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.她无法排解萦绕心头的焦虑。Pressures are relieved. Things begin to fall into place.压力解除了,情况开始明朗起来。The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light-coloured tie and grey shoes.他那一身深色的常服配上浅色的领带和灰色的皮鞋就显得不那么一本正经了。Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.喉咙痛用冷敷布敷一下可能会好一些。He considered writing to her, and the resulting letter relieved him of a mental burden.他考虑给她写信,结果,这封信一写使他如释重负。He was relieved that his part in this affair was now over.现在不再参与这件事了,他如释重负。I was relieved to hear that you're feeling better.听说你现在感觉好些了,我就放心了。Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post as deputy finance minister.丑闻曝光后,他被解除了财政部副部长的职务。When we knew it was only a joke, we all burst into relieved laughter.当我们意识到这只是一场玩笑,大家愁眉顿展,畅怀大笑起来。Death relieved them of their troubles.他们一死便一了百了。We are all relieved to be back home.回到家里我们都感到安心了。Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.冰敷可以缓解咽喉疼痛。The thief relieved him of his watch.小偷偷走了他的手表。When the sketching was finished, he was relieved.草图画完后,他才算松了口气。Her father was thereby relieved of the responsibility of her education.他的父亲因而被免除了负担她受教育的责任。He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.他为服刑期满而感到如释重负,而且觉得既已无可更改,过去的就让它过去吧。When they found us not guilty, I just felt so relieved.他们宣布我们无罪时,我感到如释重负。We were enormously relieved to hear that you had arrived safely.听说你已安全抵达,我们大大松了口气。He was relieved of his command after being charged with misconduct.被指控行为不当后,他的指挥权被解除。The party leader has been relieved of his post.该党的领导人被免除了职务。She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news.她听到这个消息后,看起来轻松极了。He was relieved at the result.对这个结果他感到宽慰。He relieved her of the plates she was holding.他把她手中的盘子接手拿了过去。I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again.回到车里重新上路后,我松了一口气。I felt relieved of wanting anything I didn't truly need.我不再贪求非我实际所需的东西,为此感到释然。




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