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例句 Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.你的孩子最终将长大成人,完全独立,离开家过自己的生活,不过在此期间她会靠你帮助。The program relies on funding from the state. = The program relies on state funding.这个计划依赖国家拨款。As a single mother, Linda relies on state benefits which are nowhere near enough.身为一名单身母亲,琳达靠国家救济度日,根本就不够用。He relies heavily on his wife for advice.他很重视妻子的建议。The movie relies on simpleminded gags for laughs.这部电影靠一些愚蠢的插科打诨逗观众发笑。This strategy relies on property prices continuing to rise.该战略的前提是资产价格持续上涨。The comedy's plot relies on a case of mistaken identity, but the joke wears thin.这出喜剧的情节依赖于角色错位,但是里面的笑料已经失去吸引力了。The Association relies on member subscriptions for most of its income.这个协会的收入大部分来自会员的入会费。Everybody relies on him for inside dope.大家都指望从他那里获得内幕消息。The homeless shelter relies entirely on volunteer help.这个流浪者收容所完全依靠志愿者的援助。Most comedy relies on distorting reality.喜剧大多依赖于扭曲现实。Their country relies heavily on its air superiority.他们国家在很大程度上依赖其优良的空气质量。The restaurant does not advertise, but relies on word of mouth.这家餐馆并没有做广告,靠的是口碑。Blind since birth, she relies on her sense of touch to read braille.她天生失明,靠触觉读布拉耶盲文。Rapping relies heavily on improvisation.说唱乐在很大程度上是即兴表演的。At first a newly independent country relies heavily on the maintenance of existing links with the former colonial power.新独立的国家在最初阶段很大程度上仰仗与旧殖民势力维持既有的关系。The building relies on clever design rather than on ornament for its impressive effect.这幢大楼依靠其巧妙设计而非装饰给人留下了深刻的印象。The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。The movie relies on sexual innuendo for its humor.这部电影靠性暗示获取幽默效果。The museum relies on the voluntary efforts of enthusiasts.这个博物馆靠的是志愿者热心的帮助。The basis for training relies on the dog's natural instinct to hunt and retrieve.训练是基于狗搜寻和衔回的天生本能。The company relies on fat margins from luxury models.公司靠豪华车赚取丰厚利润。She relies on public transport.她出行靠公共交通。The country relies on tourism and the sale of raw materials for hard currency.这个国家依赖旅游业和原材料的销售赚取硬通货。She relies on her sister to drive her to school.她靠姐姐开车送她上学。The director relies on the power of suggestion rather than explicitly showing the murder.导演依靠联想力来展示谋杀案情,而没有采用明示的手法。The college relies on test scores in its admissions process.这所大学录取程序的依据是考试成绩。The defence industry relies heavily on sales of weapons to foreign countries.国防工业严重依赖向外国出售武器。Julia relies on organic methods to keep the soil in good heart.朱利亚用有机方法保持土壤肥沃。He relies entirely on his native wit.他全仗着自己天资聪颖。The country relies on foreign aid.这个国家依赖外国的援助。His campaign relies on catchy sound bites.他的竞选活动依赖吸引人的录音片段。The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth.双方的宣传都主要依据历史传说。He no longer relies upon his parents for money.他在金钱上不再依靠父母。Barcelona's ability to retain possession relies on accurate short balls through the midfield. 巴塞罗那队依靠中场地区准确的短传来保持对球的控制。The success of the project relies on the cooperation of all involved parties.这个专案的成功依赖于所有相关部门的合作。




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