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例句 She relied emotionally on Johnny without realizing it.她在情感上依赖约翰尼,而她自己没有意识到这一点。By day they relied on the sun for direction, and by night they followed the stars.白天他们靠着太阳辨别方向,到了夜里就按星星的方位行动。He had had an arm amputated and relied on her to take down his books from dictation.他的一只胳膊截掉了,只能口授书的内容让她来记录。The couple relied on informal care from relatives.这对夫妇依赖亲戚的非正式看护。Russia and the Western Alliance relied on air strikes to stop ISIS from marauding their occupied cities.俄国和西方联军依赖空袭来阻止伊斯兰国的军队掠夺他们所占领的城市。He relied on his experience to pull him through.他依赖他的经验来渡过难关。She relied on the lunch break to do her shopping.她靠午休时间购物。The company has relied on a series of bolt-on acquisitions to deliver rapid growth.公司已经依靠一系列简单易行的购并实现了快速增长。The U.S. has increasingly relied on Japanese capital.美国已经越来越依赖日本资金了。They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers.他们非常依赖职业咨询师提供的建议。The college relied on the patronage of its wealthy graduates to expand its funds.这所大学依赖其富有的毕业生的资助以增加经费。She relied on her native cunning to survive.她依赖天生的机灵活了下来。The alleged victim's evidence could not be relied upon.所声称的受害者的证据可能并不可靠。British weather can never be relied on - it's always changing.英国的天气向来靠不住——总是变幻无常。In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get them out of trouble.过去,陆军部队在很大程度上依赖空中支援来摆脱困境。He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.他利用半透明瓷漆绘制出鲜艳生动的图画。They relied on gimmicks and flash to get people's attention.他们依靠各种噱头和花里胡哨的形象吸引人们的注意。I relied heavily upon your advice.我非常看重你的建议。In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.为了在财政上支持如此规模的发展,政府严重依赖于借贷。She relied heavily on quotation in her essays, which made them less original.她的文章过于倚重引述,使得原创性不足。The witness has committed perjury and her evidence cannot be relied upon.这名证人犯有伪证罪,她的证据不足为信。They relied on witnesses to establish alibis for the accused.他们依靠目击者来证明被告不在犯罪现场。In her last difficult years, she relied on the careful ministrations of her beloved husband.在她最后的艰难岁月里,她靠的是她深爱的丈夫的悉心照料。Near the top of the mountain, the climbers relied on bottled oxygen to breathe.快到山顶时,登山者们依靠氧气瓶呼吸。The system relied on a chain of receiving and transmitting stations running north to south across the country.这个系统依赖全国从北到南的一连串接收台和发射台。My mother relied on me for financial support.我妈妈在经济上靠我支持。Take me for example. I've never relied on other people for help.就拿我来说,我从不依靠别人的帮助。The U.S. has increasingly relied on Japanese capital.美国越来越依赖日本的资本。Due to the lack of food, they relied upon gruel for their sustenance.因为缺乏食物,他们依赖喝粥维生。The company has relied on government support, but the government is now threatening to cut the apron strings. 这家公司一直依赖政府的支持,但政府现在警告说要停止提供支持。He relied on matchmaking relatives to find a wife.他指着说媒的亲戚帮他找个老婆。He's a bankable player, who can be relied upon to deliver goals.他是个可靠的选手,可以依靠他进球得分。The company has relied on a hit-and-miss approach to developing new products.这家公司依赖一种碰运气的方式开发新产品。He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it.他再也无法承受,他依赖我,却因此觉得是受了轻贱。The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.埃及队凭借出奇制胜的战术去打败强于他们的对手。They relied entirely on these few weapons for their defence.他们完全依靠这几件武器进行防御。He relied on Machiavellian tactics to get elected.他凭着阴险狡诈的伎俩赢得了选举。He relied on the largesse of friends after he lost his job.他失业之后,靠朋友接济为生。The factories no longer relied upon a mechanic to put together looms within the plant.工厂不再依靠机修工在车间里组装织机。Before the digital revolution, mankind relied upon analog signals to communicate with one another.在数位革命之前,人类的通讯多半是靠类比的讯号。




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