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词汇 relay
例句 The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。The moon may soon be used as a relay station for intercontinental communications.月球可能不久就会被用作洲际通信的中继站。He chartered a relay of cars which got him to Beirut.他租了几辆车,轮换着开,一程又一程开到了贝鲁特。More than a thousand people outside listened to a relay of the proceedings.外面有一千多人收听了整个进程的转播。Jamaica won the gold in the sprint relay.牙买加队在短跑接力中赢得金牌。The only sound was the continuous relay of bird song.唯一的声响是一阵接一阵持续不断的鸟语。She anchored the relay victory.接力赛得胜由她跑末棒。The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes.这颗人造卫星主要用途是转播电视节目。Britain's prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor.英国要在接力赛中战胜美国,前景看上去并不那么乐观。He was in the bathroom when the call came and I had to relay the message.电话打来时他正在浴室里,所以我只好给他传话。We had to relay what he said to his employees and then relay back to him their answer.我们只得把他的话转告雇员们,然后再把雇员们的答复反过来告诉他。The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games.俄罗斯接力赛跑队将会再次为夺得奥运会金牌而拼搏。Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country.通信卫星在国与国之间转发消息和信号。The concert was broadcast by relay.这场音乐会是实况转播的。Our relay team is training for next weekend's race.我们的接力队正在为下周末的比赛进行训练。She wanted to relay the carpet in her new home.她想重新铺设她新房子的地毯。We set up a relay to carry buckets of water to the campsite.我们建立起一个运水系统,为营地送去了一桶桶水。Please relay the news to the rest of the team.请把此消息转告给队里其他人。Are you in the field for the relay race?你参加接力赛跑吗? They were arranged into relay teams and given a stick.他们被分成了接力赛小组,并得到了一根接力棒。They chose Alex for the last leg of the relay race because he was an excellent sprinter.他们选了亚历克斯在接力赛中跑最后一段,因为他是名优秀的短跑运动员。She performed respectably in the relay.她在这场接力赛中表现不错。




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