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词汇 undivided
例句 Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心地看电视。Adults rarely give the TV their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心看电视。The military conflict continues to claim our undivided attention.这次军事冲突仍然值得我们全力去关注。I worry about how Quincy's going to do in school - he can't sit still long enough to give anything his undivided attention.我担心昆西在学校里怎么办—他坐不住,什么事情都专心不了。The paintings she produced in those months won undivided admiration.她在那几个月完成的画作赢得了人们的由衷赞赏。Once I had finished my exams, I could give my undivided attention to looking for a job.考试一结束,我就可以一心一意去找工作了。Eldest children are the only ones to experience the undivided attention of their parents.只有最年长的孩子才受到父母的全心关注。Eldest children are the only ones to have experienced the undivided attention of their parents.只有老大得到过父母一心一意的照顾。He has my undivided loyalty.我对他忠心耿耿。Please give me your undivided/full/complete attention. 请把注意力完全放在我这里。She devoted herself to her students with undivided concentration and energy.她把全部的心思和精力都奉献给了自己的学生。We want a united, undivided South Africa.我们想要一个团结统一的南非。You have my undivided attention.我洗耳恭听。




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