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词汇 economies
例句 The economies of Third World countries are often crippled by huge mountains of debt which they will never be able to repay.第三世界国家的经济常常受到巨额债务的制约,这笔钱它们永远也无法偿还。Many areas of the world still have self-sufficient rural economies.世界上有许多地方仍然有自给自足的农业经济体。It was a blow to the economies of both towns.这对两个城市的经济都是打击。Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale.汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.一些南非国家的脆弱经济可能会被彻底破坏,无法挽回。Many companies are considering closing up shop in this country and transferring production to low wage economies.许多公司都在考虑关停在该国的业务,将生产转向低工资国家。Modern economies place a premium on educated workers.现代经济尤其重视受过良好教育的工人。Many companies are considering shutting up shop in this country and transferring production to low wage economies.许多公司都在考虑关停在该国的业务,将生产转向低工资国家。Mass production creates economies of scale. 批量生产形成了规模经济。Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies.各共和国将依经济规模获得相应的选举权。The state and national economies are chugging along nicely.各州和全国经济都在缓慢而稳步地发展。Inflation is a major problem in many South American economies.通货膨胀是许多南美国家经济的主要问题。Different economies, with different currencies, should not be aggregated to produce uniform policies.不同的经济有着不同的货币,不应该视为一体以制定出统一的政策。His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies.他的理论不适用于许多不发达的经济体。In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies.报告特别指出经济大国的进出口量攀升。Marx taught that capitalist economies are eventually doomed to collapse.马克思宣称资本主义经济必然会走向崩溃。Most developed economies are riding high on a wave of industrial expansion.大多数经济发达国家正乘着工业大发展的浪潮腾飞。It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.北非经济体仍将以欧洲为主要导向,这看来几乎是不可避免的。Europe's economies have converged in several areas. More interestingly, there has been convergence in economic growth rates.欧洲的经济已在多个领域互相趋同;更有意思的是,各国经济增长率也渐趋一致。We could achieve major economies in time with this new machinery.用这台新机器我们可以节约大量时间。Japan has unquestionably one of the most successful economies in the world.日本无疑是世界上经济最发达的国家之一。Falling coffee prices have impoverished many Third World economies.下降的咖啡价格使很多第三世界国家的经济面临窘境。Bigger markets can provide significant economies of scale.扩大市场能够形成强大的规模经济。They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers.他们将通过减少雇用兼职工人来节省开支。This will give a boost to the Baltic economies.这将促进波罗的海各国经济的发展。The Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.奥地利经济比其他大部分工业经济发展得更好。How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies?各成员国在使彼此经济协调一致的进程上会有多大进展?The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.几个非洲南部国家的脆弱经济可能遭受彻底破坏,无法恢复。He said that Britain would not rejoin the ERM 'until there is much greater symmetry between our economy and other European economies.'他说在英国经济与其他欧洲国家的经济实现更大的趋同性之前,英国不会重新加入欧洲汇率机制。Leaders of developing countries from around the world met in Indonesia to devise ways to improve their economies.世界各发展中国家的首脑在印度尼西亚聚首,共同策划发展经济的大计。The drop in trading suggests the Asian economies may be headed for recession.贸易下滑显示亚洲的经济可能正在走向衰退。We're still feeling the shock wave from the collapse of the Asian economies.我们仍然可以感受到亚洲经济崩溃所带来的冲击。The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.矛盾之处在于这个地区最有活力的经济体却有着最落后的金融体系。Asia's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth.亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。When Asian economies sag, the company's sales go down.亚洲经济衰退时,该公司的销售额下降。By various little economies, she managed to save some money.她靠在许多小处节省,积蓄了一点钱。The nations' economies function interdependently.这些国家的经济运作相互依赖。These countries are characterized by highly dynamic economies.这些国家以蓬勃的经济为特征。We'll also benefit from the economies provided by more efficient energy sources.我们也将从更有效的能源所带来的节约中获益。




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