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词汇 reducing
例句 The new system is aimed at reducing costs. 新系统为的是降低成本。Her outbursts in the classroom have the effect of reducing her students to gibbering wrecks.她在课堂上大发雷霆,结果把学生吓坏了。The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or reducing losses.情况全面好转,所有的部门不是盈利增加就是亏损减少。They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.他们把药稀释,这样就减轻它的药效了。A case can be made for reducing taxes right now.现在正是减税的最佳时机。We are committed to reducing the needless suffering this disease causes.我们要全力以赴减少这种疾病所带来的不必要痛苦。The measures should achieve the double benefit of protecting the environment and reducing traffic.这些措施应该可以取得保护环境和缓解交通的双重效益。The law will go a long way towards reducing pollution.这项法律将在减少污染方面发挥重大作用。None of the measures taken by the government have succeeded in reducing the spread of violent crime.政府采取的这些举措都未能缓和暴力犯罪事件的蔓延。Noise-reducing circuitry must be turned on to listen to your music.听音乐时,一定要把降噪电路系统打开。As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire.作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。The government's policies have so far had little effect in reducing the level of inflation.政府的政策对于降低通货膨胀水平到目前为止没什么作用。He wants a switch to a market economy without reducing the standard of living. This sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.他希望在不降低生活水平的前提下转向市场经济。这听起来像是希望鱼和熊掌兼得。A new plan for reducing traffic accidents was unveiled.一项减少交通事故的新方案首次得以公开。Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。She claims that money can be saved by reducing inefficiencies.她声称减少低效现象能够节约金钱。Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour.耕作已经机械化了,减少了对劳动力的需求。Charlatans advertise a variety of fat-reducing treatments in the back of magazines.骗子们在杂志封底刊登各种各样的减肥疗法广告。The government has made great strides in reducing poverty.政府在减少贫困方面已经取得巨大进展。New regulations are aimed at reducing vehicle emissions.新规章旨在减少汽车尾气排放。Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses or raising their incomes.一些有创新精神的成员找到各种增收减支的方法。Oats can be effective in reducing cholesterol.燕麦可以有效降低胆固醇水平。The program is aimed at reducing obesity among women.该计划旨在减少女性肥胖症患者的人数。The oesophagus has no serosa, thus reducing the resistance against local spread of invasive cancer cells.食道没有绒毛膜,因此抵御进攻性癌细胞局部扩散的能力较低。Socialist systems have often been successful in reducing inequality.社会主义制度常常能有效减少不平等现象。New ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed.亟需新措施减少对环境的破坏。This is contrary to the Prime Minister's declared aim of reducing inflation.这与首相公开宣布的减少通货膨胀的目标背道而驰。Reforms are slowly reducing bureaucratic inefficiency.改革正在慢慢地减少官僚作风的效率低下。She is very efficient in reducing waste.她减少损耗的本事很大。Huge majorities apparently prefer reducing unemployment to fighting inflation.绝大多数人似乎希望降低失业率多于抑制通货膨胀。These changes should allow us to grow the company while reducing waste.这些变革应该有利于我们在减少浪费的同时扩大公司规模。Building more motorways and bypasses will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.建造更多的高速公路和绕城道路能够减少城镇中的污染和交通堵塞,有利于改善环境。Apple was forced to cut prices sharply, reducing its profit margin.苹果公司被迫大幅减价,降低了毛利率。As with all dietary changes, reducing salt should be done gradually.像所有改变饮食结构的情况一样,减少盐的摄入量也应当采取渐进的方式。Farmers are reducing the use of pesticides on food crops.农民正在减少对庄稼的农药用量。That company was able to cut the claws of its opponents by reducing the prices of its products.那家公司能依靠降低其产品价格来削弱竞争对手。Her speech contained all the stock phrases about increasing productivity and reducing costs.她的演讲全是有关于提高生产力和降低成本的老生常谈。If we only have some success in reducing the number infected with HIV, I feel it will have been worthwhile.只要我们在减少艾滋病病毒感染人数这个工作上取得一定的成功,我就觉得这是值得的。The company has instituted several new policies with the goal of reducing waste.公司制定了一些新政策以减少浪费。They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.他们将得益于劳动力成本的降低。




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