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词汇 recurring
例句 When I was younger, I had recurring dreams in which I was constantly pursued by soldiers.小时候我反复做到的梦是被一帮士兵紧追不舍。He has recurring flashbacks to the night his friends died.他反复回忆起朋友们死去的那个晚上。She suffers from recurring headaches.她深受反复发作的头痛之苦。Self-deprecation is a recurring feature as Stevenson talks.史蒂文森说话时经常自我贬低。This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch's work.这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的主题。I have this recurring dream in which my teeth are black and rotted.我反复做这个梦,梦见我的牙齿黑黑的,都蛀掉了。This is a constantly recurring problem which we must deal with.这个问题反复出现,我们必须予以处理。Some people find that the same dream keeps recurring over a period of many years.有些人发现自己在许多年里会反复做同样的梦。The same problem keeps recurring.同样的问题持续发生。King George III of England was purged, leeched, and flogged assiduously during his recurring bouts of insanity.英国国王乔治三世每次精神病发时,都要一遍遍催泻、用水蛭放血并且用棍棒抽打。For much of his life he suffered from recurring bouts of depression.大半生的时间里,他一再遭受抑郁症的折磨。The stories are linked thematically by a number of recurring images.这些故事通过几个重复出现的形象按主题连在了一起。The brace will prevent recurring hip dislocation.这个支架将防止髋部再次脱臼。A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.复发的膝伤可能降低了他在锦标赛中获胜的机会。Some of those thoughts keep recurring, even though I try to stop them.有一些想法总在我心头萦绕,挥之不去。She had a recurring nightmare about losing her job.她多次做同样的噩梦,梦见自己丢了工作。The patient's case history showed recurring fits of depression.病人的病历写有抑郁症多发。




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