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词汇 recording
例句 She's much happier performing live than in a recording studio.与在录音棚里录音相比,她更喜欢现场表演。This recording has a fullness and warmth that brings out the brilliance of the piece.这段录音圆浑而温馨,演绎出了乐曲的精萃。The recording deal is not necessarily exclusive. The band can record material for other companies as well.录制协议不是独家的。乐队也可为其他公司录制唱片。The recording is of very poor quality.这录音品质很差。The band spent all night recording.乐队整晚都在录音。We cannot erase the recording.我们无法擦除这些录音。The recording features Norman Simmons on piano and Henry Johnson on guitar.这首乐曲中诺曼·西蒙斯弹钢琴,亨利·约翰逊弹奏吉他。The recording sounds just like a live performance.录音效果听起来就像现场演出一样。Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately.听到沙哑的录音,我立刻知道那是沃尔特·惠特曼。Very little of the recording was intelligible.这段录音几乎完全听不清楚。Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.达·芬奇搞研究井井有条,会详细记录观察资料和理论学说。The recording gives an account of his kidnapping.录像显示了他被绑架的经过。The orchestra made the recording under the baton of a young German conductor.管弦乐队在一位年轻的德国指挥家的指挥下完成录音。He began recording sentimental favourites.他开始录制最喜爱的几首伤感歌曲。The band was/stayed holed up in the recording studio.乐队待在录音室里。You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart.你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。The police obtained permission to implant a recording device in the suspect's home.警方获准在嫌疑犯家中安装监听装置。The band sounds great. The only downside is the quality of the recording.乐队的演奏很出色,唯一的缺憾是录音质量。He made a recording of her singing voice.他录下了她的歌声。We made a detailed recording of all the proceedings of this meeting.这次会议的经过,我们做了仔细的记录。In the process of their careful watching and recording the celestial movements the Chinese provided valuable and interesting information for succeeding generations.古代中国人在仔细观察、认真记录天体运动的过程里,为后代留下了宝贵而又有趣的资料。We finished recording our first take and played it back to hear how it sounded.我们完成了第一遍录音,并回放听听效果如何。He believes tape will eventually be eliminated as a recording medium.他认为磁带作为录音介质终究会消亡。He works as a sound technician in a recording studio.他在录音室做音效师。We're not recording now.现在我们没在录音。Please send the recording for my preview.请将那录音送来给我预先审查。The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost.记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。The cheerful cover of the diary was out of keeping with the thoughts I was recording inside.日记本活泼的封面与我记录的心情不相称。The recording had a lot of background noise.这段录音有大量的杂音The recording never saw the light of day.这份录音从未问世。We understand that she's in the studio recording her second album.我们听说她正在录音棚录制她的第二张专辑。The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations.唱片业现在由跨国公司控制。You will find it difficult to construct a spending plan without first recording your spending.你会发现不先把自己的开销记录下来就很难制订支出计划。He unearthed a rare early recording by Billie Holiday.他发现了一张珍贵的比利·霍利迪早期的唱片。The recording sounded muddy.录音听不清楚。Saccani's excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.萨卡尼出色的录音预示着他辉煌的音乐生涯。He's a brilliant pianist known for his recordings of Bach, in particular his recording of the Goldberg Variations.他是个才华横溢的钢琴演奏家,因录制巴赫乐曲,特别是《哥德堡变奏曲》而闻名。We have concentrated on recording the changes taking place in contemporary English.我们已把精力集中于记录当代英语中发生的变化。The system is capable of recording massive amounts of information.该系统能够记录大量的信息资料。His hobby is recording birdsong.他业余爱好是录制鸟鸣声。




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