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词汇 reclaimed
例句 Wood chips are reclaimed from waste wood products.从废旧木制品中回收到了木片。This method of spraying would allow the land to be reclaimed by the rain forests.这种喷洒法可以使土地重新变成雨林。She reclaimed the title of world champion this year.今年,她夺回了世界冠军的头衔。These bottles were made from reclaimed plastic.这些瓶子是由再生塑料制成的。His opponents loudly reclaimed against his attempt to shut off debate.他的政敌们大声抗议他中止辩论的企图。Acres of land were reclaimed by conservationists.环保主义者开拓了几英亩的土地。The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert.这些钻石城镇正逐渐重归沙漠。The land could be reclaimed without detriment to conservation.可以在不危害环境的情况下开垦土地。This land will be reclaimed for a new airport.这块土地将被开发用来建新机场。Large tracts of sandy waste were reclaimed.大片大片的沙质荒地被开垦出来了。




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