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词汇 flip
例句 Oh, flip, I've missed the bus.哦不!我错过公交车了。He thinks that all he has to do is to flip his fingers and I'll come running.他以为他只要打个响指,我就会跑过来。You'll flip when you hear this!你听到这个会很激动的!He gave the card a flip so that it turned right over.他轻轻一弹,纸牌翻了过来。You will flip when you see my new car.你见到我的新汽车一定会被它迷住的。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的大转弯给人以优柔寡断的印象。She flip-flopped along in a pair of old slippers.她穿着一双旧拖鞋,噼里啪啦一路走过去。The flip side of nationalism is racism.民族主义的另一面就是种族主义。I am going to take three weeks' vacation and flip this house.我要休假三个星期,稍微装修一下这个房子然后卖掉。The flip side of the treatment is that it can make patients feel very tired.这一疗法的副作用是它会使病人感觉非常疲累。He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues.他因为在几个关键问题上临场变卦而备受批评。The shutters went flip-flop against the window.百叶窗撞在窗户上发出啪嗒啪嗒的响声。Come help me flip this mattress.来帮我把这床垫翻过来。I tripped and almost did a backward flip down the stairs.我绊了一下,差一点从楼梯上倒栽下来。She's a flip young thing.她是个不懂礼貌的小姑娘。The tone of the book is sometimes too flip.这本书有些地方调侃的味道太浓。We'll flip for who buys the beer.我们掷硬币来决定谁买啤酒。His twisted flip was catching her eyes as he tucked his knees in preparation for the upcoming ramp.他屈膝为接下来的斜坡做准备时的翻转动作吸引了她的目光。That song was on the flip side of their first single.那首歌在他们的第一张单曲唱片的背面。Each classroom has a flip chart to write on.每个教室都有一个挂纸白板供书写。I've had a flip through the report and my first impressions are good.我大概翻了翻这份报告,第一印象还不错。He removed the crumb with a flip of the thumb and forefinger.他用拇指与食指轻轻弹去面包屑。The door flip-flopped in the strong wind.门被大风吹得砰砰直响。He was going to flip, she thought darkly.他快要失控了,她悲观地想。The phone book is indexed alphabetically, so you may flip instantly to any number you wish.由于电话号码簿按字母顺序做了索引,你可以立即翻到你所要的号码。Let's flip a coin to see who goes first.我们来掷硬币看谁先去。The flip side of the government's economic growth policy is high inflation.政府的经济增长政策的对立面就是高通货膨胀。I was fed up with his flip comments.我听够了他那些轻率的话。She'll flip her lid if I'm late again.如果我又迟到,她会气疯的。You could tie a little bow onto your rubber flip-flops.你可以在橡胶人字拖鞋上打一个小蝴蝶结。He did a backward flip.他做了一个后空翻。Loss of privacy is the flip side of fame.出名的负面结果就是没有了个人隐私。We went flip-flop down the corridor.我们沿着走廊噼里啪啦地走着。She wore flip-flops to the beach.她穿人字拖鞋去海滩。Every time she did a flip turn, she made a large splash.每当做翻腾转体时她都溅起一个大水花。The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.贸易赤字只是经济快速增长的一个侧面。He keeps flip-flopping his viewpoints. I don't really know what he is thinking.他的观点变来变去,我都已经搞不清楚他到底在想什么。You're supposed to flip a new mattress regularly.你应该经常翻动新床垫。She turned on the lights with the flip of a switch.她轻按开关把灯打开。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的一再反复使他显得优柔寡断。




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