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例句 I recently met his wife who, incidentally , is a well-known author.我最近碰到了他的妻子;顺便提一句,她可是一位著名作家。I've lived through a lot of changes recently, but I've learned to take it one day at a time.近来遇到诸多变故,但我已学会凡事要顺其自然。There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.最近发生了几宗袭击外国人的事件。The team have hit a rich vein of form recently.近来球队已达到最佳竞技状态。I made a mental note to ask if anybody had checked recently.我留心询问最近是否有人已经核实过了。Most of these ideas have been considered sacrosanct until quite recently.直至最近,这些思想中的大多数还被认为是神圣不可侵犯的。The slaughter thousands of innocent US citizens would have been inconceivable until recently.直到发生了最近的事件为止,屠杀数千名无辜的美国公民是难以想象的事。They recently celebrated the birth of their second daughter.不久前他们庆祝了第二个女儿降生。I want to point out some impressive fan geekery I ran across recently.我想指出我最近遇到的一位很厉害的风扇高手。The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory.该公司最近搬进了一家专门建造的新工厂。Helen had recently paid him a visit.海伦最近去探望了他。I was recently diagnosed as suffering from MS.我最近被确诊患上了多发性硬化症。The magazine recently did/had a cover story on/about diabetes.这家杂志最近做了一个关于糖尿病的封面故事。The government recently gave its approval to several US companies to sell satellite and other hi-tech equipment on the open market.政府最近批准若干美国公司在公开市场出售卫星和其他高科技设备。There has been an all-around improvement in his work recently.最近他的工作各方面都有所进步。He has recently joined the board of the company.他最近加入了该公司的董事会。My back has been quite bad recently, but it's getting better slowly.近来我的背感觉很不舒服,不过在慢慢好起来了。Only recently have historians begun to examine its impact and influence.直到最近,历史学家才开始考察其影响。We've had precious little to celebrate recently.最近我们没什么可庆祝的。They recently branded him a war criminal.他们最近给他加上了战犯的污名。She has recently gone off smoking.她近来不再吸烟了。There has been a significant increase in teenage pregnancies recently.最近青少年怀孕人数大幅上升。Intimates of the star say that he has been upset by the personal attacks on him that have appeared in the press recently.这位明星的密友们说他最近正为报纸上出现的对他的人身攻击感到苦恼。They had a misunderstanding, but they've become friendly again recently.他们曾有过争执,不过最近又言归于好了。Have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近读到什么有意思的文章了吗?He's recently affected a hat and cane.近来,他头上戴了顶帽子,手上拿了根拐杖,装腔作势起来。Susan's had a lot on her plate recently, what with the car accident and everything.苏珊最近有许多事要操心,如车祸一事以及其他许多事。You see, doc, I haven't been sleeping well recently.你瞧,大夫,我最近一直睡不好觉。A local company has recently acquired the site.最近一家地方企业得到了这块地。He has gone off the rails recently.他近来神经不正常。A friend recently alerted me to the existence of a new museum in my city.一个朋友最近提醒我说在我居住的城市有一座新的博物馆。She was recently named to the company's board of directors.她最近被提名为公司的董事会董事。The leader has recently distanced himself from the extremists in the party.该领导人最近疏远了与党内极端主义分子的关系。I refer you to a paper by Sutherland published recently.我推荐你去查查萨瑟兰最近发表的一篇论文。The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.休眠了很久的火山最近出现了要喷发的迹象。Until recently, scientists had been remarkably uncritical of these findings.直到最近,科学家们对这些发现依然没有提出任何明显的批评。It's only recently that I've really gotten into music.我只是最近才真正开始对音乐产生了兴趣。He was in Congress for many years but he recently retired from public life.他在国会工作了多年,但最近退出了公务生活。Her second round of chemotherapy recently ended.她最近刚做完第二次化疗。She has recently mastered digital photography with the aid of her grandson.她最近在孙子的帮助下学会了用数码相机照相。




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