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词汇 receiving
例句 He thought of himself as an ordinary man, and he was bemused by all the attention that he was receiving.他认为自己不过是个普通人,所以别人对他的关注使他颇感困惑不解。Kate hugged herself with pleasure after receiving the award.获奖之后凯特非常高兴。Losing was bad enough. Watching them receiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound.落败已经很糟糕了;还要看着他们接受奖杯,更是在伤口上撒盐。It's not often that I find myself on the receiving end of such insults.我受到这样的侮辱可不是常有的事。The duchess was again receiving guests.公爵夫人又在接待宾客。Bullying can indeed be distressing and frightening for those at the receiving end.受到欺凌的人会真实地感到痛苦和害怕。She is receiving treatment for cancer.她正在接受癌症治疗。Joe's been receiving sick pay since the accident.乔自从遭遇事故之后就一直在领病假工资。She complained to the police after receiving hate mail.收到恐吓信件后,她报了警。He went to prison for receiving stolen scrap iron.他因为收购偷来的废铁而入狱。A pronoun used as a direct object indicates the person or thing receiving the action.代词作直接宾语的,代表接受这个动作的人或事物。Several city officials have been accused of receiving payoffs from the company.几位市政府官员被指控收受了这家公司的贿赂。The students' low test scores don't say much for the education they're receiving. 学生考试成绩差说明他们没有得到良好的教育。You don't want to be on the receiving end of her anger!你不会愿意她的怒气撒在你身上的!Several of the victims are receiving hospital treatment for burns.几名受害者正在接受医院的烧伤治疗。The end of the chisel receiving the impact of a hammer will quickly mushroom.这凿子受到锤击的一端会很快变成扁平形。Her party won by receiving a plurality of the vote.她的政党以相对多数票获胜。The government is changing the rules for receiving the dole. 政府正在修改享受失业救济金的规定。Eventually they paid up, but only after receiving several reminders.最终他们还清了欠款,但那是在他们再三收到提示信以后的事。He was imprisoned for receiving stolen goods.他因买卖赃物而入狱。He complained that he'd been receiving malicious phone calls.他抱怨说他接二连三地接到恶意骚扰电话。The committee acknowledges that mentally ill people in the community are not receiving the care and treatment they need.委员会承认,社区中有精神病的人没有得到应有的照顾和治疗。The play closed early despite receiving good notices.尽管受到好评,演出还是提前结束了。We've been receiving a constant flow of phone calls.我们一直在接接二连三的来电。She was not receiving warm nurturing care.她没有得到温暖的抚育。Everyone at City Hall is receiving kickbacks. It's the only way to get anything done there.市政府里的每个人都收回扣,在那里只有送红包,事情才办得成。He is making money and receiving free advertising to boot!他既挣了钱,又做了免费的广告!He is receiving benefit.他正在领取救济金。He began collecting/receiving Social Security checks.他开始领取/接受社会保障金。They feel aggrieved at being on the receiving end of the West's television and films.他们对于自己只能被动接受西方电视和电影而感到痛心。She's receiving psychiatric treatment.她在接受精神病治疗。He was on a high after receiving the promotion.得到升迁后他很开心。I'm receiving you loud and clear.我能清晰响亮地收听到你的声音。Not receiving an answer, she whirled round.没有得到答案,她猛地转过身去。The system relied on a chain of receiving and transmitting stations running north to south across the country.这个系统依赖全国从北到南的一连串接收台和发射台。So, I was alone in my sharing and also receiving.所以只有我一个人在分享和接收我的信息。She is receiving counseling to cope with the death of her husband.她在接受心理辅导以面对丈夫的死亡。She had to spend 10 years as a struggling artist, before receiving any recognition for her work.在未得到公众对其作品的认可前,作为一个艺术家,她不得不苦苦奋斗了十年。He was being investigated for receiving bribes.他因收受贿赂正在接受调查。I began receiving duplicate copies of the magazine every month.我开始每月收到该杂志的副本。




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