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例句 She received no support from her parents.她没有得到父母的支持。They sprang into action as soon as they received their orders.他们一接到命令就马上行动起来。We received no help from the police.我们没有得到警察的帮助。She received many admiring glances as she walked into the room.她走进房间时,吸引了很多欣赏的目光。The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。I've received no notification of any changes to my pension.我没收到有关我的抚恤金的任何变更通知。The traffic control tower received no distress call from the air plane before the crash took place.塔台在飞机坠毁之前没有收到任何求救的信号。The cultivated field received not only its own share of rainfall but all of the runoff from the catchment.耕地不仅获得它自己那份雨水而且还接受集水区的全部径流。They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction.他们因减税受益。She received yet another lengthy missive from her father.她又收到父亲一封长篇大论的信。She received an income for life as a result of her father's will.她因为父亲的遗嘱获得了一份终生收入。She received a presidential/royal pardon. 她受到总统/皇室赦免。We have not as yet received a response.我们还未收到回复。She received the two men with the utmost sweetness, pressing drinks upon them and urging cigarettes.她极其亲切地接待了那两位男客,一定要他们喝酒,又忙不迭地递烟。We have received notice of storms approaching.我们已收到风暴即将来临的预报。The company won the lawsuit, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because of all the bad publicity they received during the trial.因为在审判期间有太多负面报道,公司虽然赢了官司,却得不偿失。It was with much sadness that we received the news.得知这个消息我们非常伤心。He received the sword-point with his shield.他用盾挡住剑锋。I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job.我昨天收到东芝公司的收函通知,信上说他们在考虑我的求职申请。She received psychiatric care as an outpatient.她作为门诊病人接受了精神病护理。I received a sour look every time I passed her house.我每次经过她的房子,她看我的眼神都很不友善。He has received some reparation for the damage.他已收取了若干损害赔偿金。His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others.他对那部电影的批评与其他人的称赞形成鲜明对比。He personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship.他个人已收到莱曼司令要求凿沉轮船的命令。His criticisms, as I remember, were coldly received.据我记忆,他的批评得到的反应很冷淡。Red Cross officials condemned the treatment that imprisoned guerrillas have received.红十字会官员谴责了被关押的游击队员所遭受的待遇。I received a nice compliment yesterday. 昨天我受到了夸奖。He preened himself on the praise he had received.他因为得到了赞扬而沾沾自喜。She received a visit from the Queen, no less.她接受了女王的一次来访,千真万确。I think he felt discouraged because of all the criticism he'd received.我觉得他挨了那么多批评已经心灰意冷了。He received a wigging for what he did.他因自己的行为受到了斥责。He received a citation for reckless driving.他因鲁莽驾驶而收到传票。The company received a substantial government subsidy.公司得到了大笔的政府津贴。She received a handsome reward for finding the wallet.她拾到钱包,得到了一大笔酬金。I received a letter from her in her neat script.我收到她的字体很工整的来信。The doctor's determination was made after he received a report on the tests.医生的结论是在收到化验报告后作出的。She received a summons to appear in court.她收到出庭的传唤。These poems have received a lot of critical attention.这些诗歌受到评论家的极大关注。I received a bill for the car rental from my credit card company.我收到一张我的信用卡公司寄来的汽车租金账单。She has received messages of support/sympathy from hundreds of people.她收到了数百人的支持/慰问信。




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