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词汇 rebellion
例句 They were accused of fomenting rebellion.他们被指控煽动叛乱。The peasants rose in rebellion against the feudal ruler.农民们群起造封建统治者的反。It roused a feeling of rebellion in him.这激起了他的叛逆感。She's the head of a rebellion against the leaders of the party.她带头公开反对该党的领导人。The king's army suppressed/quelled/crushed the rebellion.国王的军队镇压/平定/粉碎了叛乱。They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church.他们正在反抗教会保守的等级制度。The rebellion was led by the King's brother.这场叛乱由国王的弟弟带头。The leaders of the rebellion were hanged as traitors.叛乱的首领被作为叛国者绞死了。A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.大家一致认为,青少年有点叛逆是正常的。The rebellion was crushed by an army assault in which over 200 people died.在军队的进攻下叛乱被镇压了下去,死了二百多人。The purpose of martial law is to dismantle the rebellion.戒严令的目的是要平定叛乱。The army made an unsuccessful attempt to end the rebellion.军队试图平定叛乱但未获成功。The British soon put down the rebellion.英国人很快平息了叛乱。The southern regions were growing increasingly restive, threatening rebellion.南方地区日益不满,即将发生叛乱。I would have thought it a proper job for the Army to fight rebellion.我会认为派军队去平叛是恰当之举。They rose in rebellion against the king.他们起来反抗国王。The Duke of Ormond led a military rebellion against the new king.奥蒙德公爵领导了反对新国王的军事叛乱。The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces.叛乱从基拉拉开始,迅速蔓延到西部各省。The rebellion failed completely.这次叛乱彻底失败了。Troops were used to put down a rebellion and arrest hundreds of protestors.军队出动镇压叛乱,并逮捕了几百名抗议者。The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.海军在平息这场叛乱的过程中起到了有限但却十分重要的作用。The citizens of Kwangju rose in rebellion against the oppressive regime.光州的市民起来暴动,反抗暴虐的政权。It was the government's most brutal attempt to snuff out the rebellion.这是政府力图扑灭叛乱的最残忍的一次尝试。The government could be facing a backbench rebellion on this issue.在此问题上,政府可能会面临后座议员的反对。The government has brutally crushed the rebellion.政府残酷镇压了叛乱。The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.农民们造贪官污吏的反。When the rebellion is historically contextualized, it becomes clear that there were many factors contributing to it.考虑到叛乱发生的历史背景,很显然,有诸多因素促使其发生。The king sent out his special forces to crush the rebellion.国王派出特种部队镇压叛军。He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters.他准备开枪射击抗议者以镇压叛乱。Those found guilty of rebellion and insurrection will be sentenced to life imprisonment.那些被判决犯有谋反叛乱罪的人将被处以终身监禁。Luckily the rebellion was quickly scotched.很幸运,叛乱很快就被扑灭了。The president called upon the army to help crush the rebellion.总统号召军队协助粉碎叛乱。The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.总统在对记者谈到叛乱时似乎有意开战。The rebellion was put down and its leaders were executed.叛乱遭到镇压,领导的人也被处决。The Bretons rose in rebellion against the King.布列塔尼人发动起义反对国王。They staged a rebellion against Spanish rule in Mexico.他们在墨西哥发动了一场反抗西班牙统治的叛乱。The government used the army to put a lid on the rebellion.政府动用军队平定了叛乱。Recent election losses have led to open rebellion among some party members, who are calling for a complete change of leadership.近期选举失利导致党内一些成员公开反抗,他们要求彻底更换领导层。They fear the consequences of rebellion.他们担心叛乱的后果。They were stirred up to rebellion.他们受到煽动,起来叛乱。




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