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词汇 特殊需求
例句 We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs.我们或许可以专门设计一门课程以满足你的特殊需求For too long children with special needs were completely isolated from other children, often to their determent.特殊需求的儿童与其他儿童完全隔离已经太久了,这对他们通常是妨碍。New facilities are being added to accommodate the special needs of elderly residents.正在添加新的设施以满足老年居民的特殊需求The local authority has said the area could be redeveloped for special needs housing.地方政府说,这个地区可以重新进行开发,为有特殊需求的人群提供住房。A student with special needs can stress a school's budget, but the bottom line is that the state must provide for the child's education.特殊需求的学生可能增加学校财政负担,但归根结底,国家必须给孩子提供受教育的机会。The school has a strong culture of inclusion of students with special needs.这所学校有一种很强的包容有特殊需求学生的文化。




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