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词汇 rear
例句 Please move to the rear of the bus!请往车厢后面走!Carole was left to bring up the rear.卡萝尔落在最后面。The rear tyres had worn out.后轮胎已经磨坏了。Second class is at the rear of the train.二等车厢在火车尾部。Mother led the way, with the children bringing up the rear.妈妈在前面带路,孩子们殿后。She slapped him on the rear.她用手打他的屁股。The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.大货车斜撞上一辆油罐车的尾部,接着又撞上了另一辆货车。He got/suffered whiplash when his car was rear-ended.汽车追尾时,他的颈椎受伤了。We used the rear entrance of the hotel.我们走了旅馆的后门。The new law will require passengers in the rear seats of automobiles to buckle their seatbelts.这条新法令要求汽车后座上的乘客系安全带。Access to the kitchen is from the rear.厨房是从后面进入的。He settled back in the rear of the taxi.他靠坐在出租车的后排座上。They parked in a small carpark at the rear of the hotel.他们把车停在旅馆后面的小停车场内。The car was pinched for rear seat passenger space.这辆汽车后排乘客空间不宽裕。We asked how to get to the rear entrance, and he indicated a path leading around the right side of the building.我们询问如何去后面的入口,他指向一条通往大楼右侧的小路。Fans crowded around the rear entrance of the concert hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.歌迷挤在音乐厅后门处,希望能看一眼那乐队。He walked toward the rear of the house.他向房子后面走去。Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession.乐师们在队前和队尾表演。At this point in the voting, Jones is leading with Smith in second place and Johnson bringing up the rear.选举进行到这个阶段时,琼斯得票最多,史密斯第二,约翰逊殿后。When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算。The car was hit broadside. The front and rear were undamaged.车身侧面被撞,前面和后面没有损坏。The Nimbus can skip along at a fair pace and, with a sharp dab on the brakes, the light rear end can be upset.这款汽车跑起来很轻快,只是尾部轻,一猛点刹车就掉屁股。She stood up and brushed off her rear end.她站起身,拍了拍屁股。Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars.生产商们不得不在所有新车的后排座椅上安装安全带。He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head.他为我打开后门,侧了下头表示歉意。The rear wheels of the vehicle slithered about in the mud.车子的后轮在烂泥里打滑。We walked round to the rear of the house.我们绕道走到房子的后面。The front of the car was damaged and we had to get out by the rear door.车身前部受损,我们只得从后门出来。He slipped and fell on his rear. 他滑了一跤,一屁股坐在地上。The damage from the fire was restricted to the rear of the building. 火灾造成的损毁仅限于大楼后部。The damage from the fire was limited to the rear of the building. 大火造成的破坏仅限于建筑物的背面。The rear part of the casing is slightly narrower than the front.套子的后部比前部稍窄。Donna looked in her rear-view mirror and saw with alarm that the Audi was still gaining on her.唐娜看了一眼后视镜,惊惶地发现那辆奥迪还在追她。The car's rear bumper was damaged.这辆小汽车的后保险杠受损了。The enemy were on the rear of our army.敌人正攻我军后卫。All three rear seats fold over and are easily removed.三个后座都可折叠,而且便于拆卸。The offside rear wheel needs replacing.右后轮需要更换了。The radio is loudest in the rear of the car.在汽车后部收音机最响。The car has childproof rear door locks.汽车装有对儿童安全的后车门锁。She walked into the front door of a store and exited from the rear.她从商店的前门进,后门出。




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