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例句 The shipment is destined for Bombay.这批货物运往孟买。Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa.食品正运往遭受旱灾的非洲南部。They tranquilized the bear with a dart so that it could be safely moved to a different area.他们向熊射了一支麻醉针,以便将其安全运往他处。Military equipment is being shipped to Europe in a steady stream.军事装备正在源源不断地运往欧洲。He saw the ship that was to transport them to the other side of the world.他见到了那艘要将他们运往世界另一端的轮船。Live animals are transported across the continent, packed tightly into trucks.活畜被满满当当地塞上卡车,运往大陆的另一端。Some restaurants congeal used cooking oils by freezing before transporting them to the local incinerator.有些餐馆把用过的烹饪油冻结起来再运往当地的焚化炉。The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.船只在苏格兰建造,分装运往埃及。Medical equipment and food are being flown into the areas worst hit by the disaster.医疗设备和食物正由飞机运往受灾最严重的地区。The whisky is bottled here before being sent abroad.威士忌在这里装瓶后运往国外。The stamps were delivered to the warehouse in sackloads.那种邮票大包大包地运往仓库。Supplies are being brought into the beleaguered city.补给品正在运往那个被围困的城市。The plan was to carry gas via Iran to Turkey.这项计划是经伊朗把天然气运往土耳其。Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。Raw materials were transported to Phoenix from the reservations.原材料从保留地运往菲尼克斯。The bear was crated up and shipped to the zoo.熊被装进大木箱运往动物园。He trundled his vegetables to market in a wagon.他用大车把蔬菜运往市场。Truckloads of loam were transported to the construction site.一辆辆装满亚黏土的卡车被运往这个建筑工地。Supplies were helicoptered to the stricken villages.日用必需品以直升机运往受灾村庄。He could buy a full cargo of fruit and pay the freight to New York.他可以买下整船的水果并交付运往纽约的运费。Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.毒品贩子利用该国作为把毒品运往美国的通道。The meat was destined for the home market.这种肉运往国内市场销售。Vegetables and fruit were teamed to market.蔬菜和水果用联畜运往市场。According to the defendant, the heroin was destined for the New York City area.根据被告所述,那批海洛因运往纽约市地区。The troops were transported to Moscow.部队被运往莫斯科。The wounded soldiers were evacuated by medevac to the hospital.伤兵由救护直升机运往医院。Strawberries are usually boxed before being shipped to market.草莓通常装箱后再运往市场出售。The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to Turkey.该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往土耳其。The meat is kept in cold storage before being sent out to supermarkets.肉类在运往超级市场之前放在冷藏库里。




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