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例句 Sinclair essayed a smile but it could hardly have been rated as a success.辛克莱想试着微笑一下,但根本没有笑出来。We rated him by his own behaviour.我们根据他自己的行为对他作出评价。He is generally rated Italy's No. 3 industrialist.他被公认为意大利第三大实业家。He was rated a hands-down winner.他被认为是当然的赢家。He is rated fifth in the world.他排名世界第五。He was rated one of the richest men in Texas.他被认为是德州最富有的人之一。This airport is consistently rated as the worst in the world.这个机场一向被视为世界上最差的机场。The boat is just large enough to be rated a ship.这艘船大得可以当作海船了。He is highly rated by his managers.他备受经理们的好评。Most rated it a hit.大多数人认为它很受欢迎。Judges rated each song according to a number of criteria.评审们根据几项标准对每首歌曲进行评定。Looks are never rated very highly.外貌向来不是很受重视。She rated the course highly.她对这门课的评价很高。Films are rated on a scale of poor, fair, good and excellent.影片被评为优、良、中、差四等。The submarine is rated to withstand tons of pressure.这艘潜水艇可承受数吨的压力。The place was rated dangerous by the tourists.那地方被旅游者们视若畏途。It was rated the most livable city in the States.它被评为美国最适合居住的城市。This latest album certainly shows why Pine is rated a first-class jazz musician among his peers.这张最新的专辑绝对能说明派因为什么能超越同辈,被誉为一流的爵士音乐家。Based on recent polls, the policy should be rated a failure.最近的民意调查表明,应该认定这项政策是失败的。The school is rated above average.这所学校被评为中等以上。The film is rated R for language and adult themes.这部影片因为语言和成人题材而被定为限制级。She's an actress with a G-rated public image. 她是一名公众形象健康的演员。She is rated the best in the country.她被认为是国内最好的。Silver was rated more highly than gold.以往银子比金子更值钱。Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.接受询问的工人认为工作稳定比高薪更重要。The Chelsea boss is furious with the Stoke defender for his X-rated challenge on Oscar.切尔西队的老板因为斯托克队防守队员阻截奥斯卡时粗野的铲球动作而怒不可遏。Their goalkeeper was rated as being of county standard.他们的守门员被称为具有郡一级的水平。It is rated as one of the city's best hotels.它被认为是该市最好的酒店之一。The movie has been rated 'R' due to adult subject matter.这部影片因其成人题材而被列为限制级。We tasted the wines in random order and then rated each.我们按随机顺序品尝这些葡萄酒,然后逐一进行评价。The capacitor surface temperature will not exceed the upper rated temperature.电容器表面温度不许超过额定上限温度。Lower the rated electrical capability of electrical apparatus.降低电器设备的额定电能。




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