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例句 Sometimes customers buy books in twos and threes, but rarely in larger quantities than that.有时顾客会一次买两三本书,但很少超过这个数。A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children.被宠坏的孩子很难得到其他孩子的喜爱。Animals rarely live in completely stable environments.动物很少生活在完全稳定的环境里。That kind of mistake is rarely made by native speakers.母语者很少犯那类错误。In all his years as a book publisher, he rarely backed the wrong horse.做了多年的出版商,他很少有看走眼的时候。They were rarely seen together and certainly did not travel together.很少见到他们在一起,当然更不可能一起旅行。I have rarely read anything so insultingly sexist as this article.我很少读到像这篇文章般带有侮辱性的性别歧视的东西。Lady Ainslie is an undemonstrative woman who rarely touches even her own son.安斯利夫人是一个感情不外露的女人,连自己的儿子都很少抚摸一下。Consumers rarely get a fair deal.消费者很少受到公正对待。The trains are rarely on time.火车很少准时。She rarely spoke her mind out of fear of being ridiculed.她怕人嘲笑,几乎从来不说出自己的想法。Friends described Menendez as a straight arrow who rarely drank and was close to his family.朋友们说梅内德斯是一个正直而且坦率的人,极少喝酒,跟家人也非常亲近。Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心地看电视。Now a celebrity chef, he rarely talks about his life as an army cook.他现在是一位名厨,很少谈起自己在部队里当炊事员的生活。McKenzie's judgement rarely lets him down.麦肯齐的判断很少让自己失望。Southern Europe rarely gets snow.南欧很少下雪。Parents choosing schools for their children are rarely given their first choice.为子女选学校的父母很少能够得到首选的学校。Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.气温很少升到零度以上。I'm rarely under pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me.我很少感受到压力,同事们一直对我很好。Her lovers rarely match her wit and intelligence.她的情人们在聪明才智上很少能比得上她。Paxman is seen as a tough interviewer who rarely lets politicians off the hook.帕克斯曼被认为是一位强硬的采访者,他绝少让政客在回答问题时轻易脱身。Jack is always starting projects, but he rarely follows through.杰克老是在开始各项计划,但很少进行到底。In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints that are rarely seen.该学会将于今年夏天对外展出几幅罕见的版画作品。Churches rarely have single-sex choirs these days.教堂里现在很少有单一性别的合唱团了。Discipline is rarely a problem in this school.在这所学校,纪律几乎不是个问题。The music industry rarely impinges on my life.音乐产业极少影响到我的生活。Movies featuring original or offbeat material are rarely big box-office successes.题材新颖或不同寻常的电影很少能取得大的票房成就。Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不允许女性表达自己的性欲望。I'm so busy, I can rarely afford the luxury of a restful weekend.我太忙了,很少能享受一个轻松的周末。Interviewers rarely ask about his personal life.采访记者极少问他个人生活方面的问题。Now that we have a car we very rarely use the buses.我们现在有了车就很少坐公共汽车了。He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society.他几乎不与和他身分相同的人交往。Promiscuous men are rarely criticized as severely as promiscuous women.滥交的男人很少会像滥交的女人一样受到严厉的指责。He rarely left the Brooklyn apartment where he had set up house.他在布鲁克林这套寓所里建立了自己的家,几乎足不出户。The players are bonded by a spirit that is rarely seen in an English team.队员们是靠一种精神拧成了一股绳,这种精神在英格兰球队中颇为鲜见。She was a placid child who rarely cried.她是个安静的孩子,很少哭闹。He rarely gets time to indulge in leisure activities.他很少有时间享受休闲活动。Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.尽管工作繁忙,本尼却少有身体不好的时候。The positive aspects of parenthood are rarely written about.为人父母的美好一面很少被写到。She rarely ever drinks wine.她几乎不喝酒。




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