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词汇 raking
例句 There's no point in raking over the past.翻旧账是毫无意义的。I said I was sorry, so I don't want you to keep raking it up again.我已经道了歉,所以我不希望你老是重提这件事。He keeps on raking over his divorce, when really he should be getting on with his life.他本该重新开始新的生活,可他老是陷在离婚的阴影中不能解脱。He was raking up leaves in his garden.他在自己的花园里扫集树叶。What is the point in raking up all that muck about his criminal record?旧事重提揭他过去的案底有什么必要?He must be raking in $500 a week.他一定是一星期赚五百美元。The Prime Minister accused opposition leaders of muck-raking.首相指控反对党领袖传播丑闻。Newspaper journalists are always raking up scandalous stories.新闻记者总喜欢炒作一些过时的丑闻。Many can survive only by raking through dustbins.很多人要靠翻垃圾箱才能活下来。Gloves help cut down on blistering and damage to the hands when digging and raking.刨地或耙地时戴上手套可以减少双手起泡和受伤。She's always raking up the past/that old quarrel.她老翻旧账,提以前/多少年前的那次争吵。What a car! Jasper must be raking it in.多好的车啊!贾斯珀一定是赚大钱了。The band was raking in the long green.这个乐队在赚大钱。I drove on, my eyes raking the countryside for another likely cache.我一边接着朝前开,一边双眼扫视周边乡村,想找个藏身处。He spent the afternoon raking around in the attic for some old family photographs.他在顶楼翻了一下午,找几张旧时家庭照。I've been raking through my drawers looking for those tickets.我一直在抽屉里仔细翻找那些票。The Prime Minister accused opposition leaders of muck-raking.首相指责反对派领袖喜欢探听他人隐私。Don't spend so much time raking over the past.别花那么多时间追忆往事。They are raking in the profits from each more audaciously violent movie.通过一部部更加大胆的暴力电影,他们攫取了巨额利润。The boys helped by raking the leaves in the yard.男孩们帮忙把院里的树叶耙拢起来。The owners of that restaurant must be really raking it in.那家饭店的老板们一定是在赚大钱。They like raking over old scandals.他们喜欢翻出陈年丑闻谈个没完。She sat down, nervously raking her fingers through her hair.她坐下来,手指紧张地抓挠着头发。Lou's been raking in the dollars since he opened his business.自从生意开张以来,卢就财源滚滚。




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