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词汇 quotation
例句 The quotation is attributed to Chu Hsi, an ancient Chinese philosopher.这句引语被认为是中国古代哲学家朱熹所说的。He wound up his speech with a quotation.他以一句引语结束他的演讲。Most builders will give you a free quotation.大多数建筑商都免费提供报价。The book is prefaced by a quotation from Faulkner.书的开头引用了福克纳的一段话作为开场白。You must pin down every quotation to its author.你一定要确定每一个引文的作者是谁。They could not identify the source of the quotation.他们无法找到引文的出处。Where does that quotation come from?此语引自何处?The footnote gave a word for word translation of the quotation.脚注逐字翻译了引语。From what author does this quotation come?这一引文出自哪位作者? The book begins with a quotation from The Book of Common Prayer.这本书的开头引用了《英国国教祈祷书》中的一句话。Make sure you get a written quotation from the builder.一定要拿到建筑商的书面报价。Changes in the listing rules have reduced the advantage of obtaining a quotation on this stock market.股票上市要求的改变使得在这一股票市场上市带来的优势减弱了。Each chapter in the book has a prefatory quotation.这本书的每章都以引语开篇。She relied heavily on quotation in her essays, which made them less original.她的文章过于倚重引述,使得原创性不足。I can't grasp the meaning of this quotation.我不明白这句引语的意思。My quotation is taken from 'Hamlet'.我引用的是《哈姆雷特》。Each chapter in the book is prefaced by a suitable quotation. 这本书每章前面都有一段恰当的引文。With the above quotation, Alfred Marshall opens his famous "Principles of Economics".阿弗里德·马歇尔用上面所引的话开始了他的名著《经济学原理》。Spencer began his speech with a quotation from Karl Marx.斯宾塞以卡尔·马克思的一句语录作为演讲的开场白。I cannot pin the quotation down to its author.我不能确定这条引语出自哪位作家。I haven't been able to track down that quotation.我没能查到那句引语的出处。Enclosed is our revised quotation, with the modified part underlined for your ready attention.随函附上更正的报价单,有关更改部分下已划线,请予注意。The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.下面的引文选自十九世纪的一篇旅行日记。There were quotation marks around the phrase. = The phrase was in quotation marks.这个短语是加了引号的。Why did you end your essay with a quotation from Shakespeare?你为什么引用莎士比亚作品中的句子来作为文章的结尾呢?She wound up her speech with a quotation.她以一句引言结束她的演讲。We decided to go with the lowest quotation.我们决定接受最低的报价。I couldn't remember where I'd heard the quotation before.我想不起来以前在哪里听到过这句语录了。It's a quotation from a poem by Keats.这句话出自济慈的一首诗。Most students failed to identify the quotation.多数学生没能找出那条引语。Titles of newspaper articles should be placed/put in quotation marks.报纸文章的标题应当加引号。If you take text from other sources, place it in quotation marks.如果你的文字来自其他地方,将其置于引号内。The comma falls inside the quotation mark.逗号放在引号内。The quotation of very long passages should be avoided.应该避免摘引非常长的段落。




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