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例句 He was quite drunk, but in control.他颇有几分醉意了,但尚能自制。It's quite a narrow road.这条路很窄。The religions of Japan are both theologically and institutionally, quite different from those of the Western world.日本的宗教与西方世界的宗教在神学上和制度上都完全不同。I stayed in the Stage Coach Inn, but it's been quite some time ago.我曾经住过驿站马车旅馆,不过那是好些时候之前的事了。There's nowhere quite like Barcelona.没有哪个地方与巴塞罗那特别相像。He talks quite slowly and spaces his words out.他一字一顿地讲,速度很慢。We did quite a lot this morning.今天上午我们干了很多活儿。The university campus is quite large and it takes new students a while to find their way around it.大学校园很大,新生需要一段时间才能适应。Other magazines have tried to copy the formula but have never quite cut the mustard.其他杂志都想套用这一方法,但都做得不好。They held quite different estimates of mankind.他们对人类有迥然不同的看法。The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to separate.顶部和底部很难分开。His policies are now quite belated.他推行的政策现已过时。I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time.我觉得我们订婚期间非常不愉快。She was looking at me as if she could not quite place me.她看着我,好像认不出我似的。I thought it was quite an interesting movie.我以为这是部颇有趣的电影。She's made quite a name for herself.她大大地出了名。His hair is quite thin on top.他头顶上的头发很稀疏。The amount doesn't seem quite so bad when you break it down into monthly payments.当你把总数分成每月支付的款项,这个数额看起来就不那么可怕了。Yesterday the village was quite unknown, but today it's on the front page of all the newspapers.昨天这个村庄还是寂寂无名的,可今天它却登上了所有报纸的头版。The weather's going to be quite a little colder by the weekend.到周末时天气会变得相当冷。It's quite a way to walk to the station.走到车站颇有一段距离。The published poem differs quite a bit from earlier drafts.发表的诗作与先前的草稿有诸多不同。Her heart is not quite Sir Garnet.她的心脏不太好。Edson quite frankly loathed the conceited little pup.埃德森毫不掩饰对这个自负的年轻人的厌恶。I felt I had created quite a good impression.我感觉自己已经留下了一个相当好的印象。Red currants are quite tart and usually need sugar or honey.红醋栗很酸,一般要加糖或蜂蜜。Live concerts are never quite the same on the small screen.电视转播的音乐会与现场音乐会不可同日而语。When you reckon in all my overtime, my total pay is quite good.要是把我的加班费也算进去的话,我总的薪水还是不少的。Most surprisingly, quite a few said they don't intend to vote at all.最让人吃惊的是,相当多的人说他们根本不打算参加投票。The conditions inside the prison were quite unspeakable.监狱里的环境糟得难以形容。This sort of thing really is quite beyond the pale.这种事情真是不可接受。They were quite happy to dance to his tune.他们很乐意听他差遣。He bequeaths his successor an economy that is doing quite well.他留给继任者接手的经济局面发展势头相当不错。Her parents keep her on quite a short leash.她的父母对她管教很严。I can't quite catch the drift of his speech.我不甚了解他的演讲的大意。The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.长时间的耽搁使我相当焦虑。She has made quite a career for herself. 她为自己开创了一番非常成功的事业。He failed his tests, but he's quite a bright guy, really.他没有通过考试,但他是个很聪明的家伙,真的。That wasn't quite what I meant.我其实不是这个意思。The committee's report is quite scathing.委员会的报告相当严厉。




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