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词汇 queue
例句 I joined the queue for a taxi.我排队等出租车。They arrived early for the concert and staked out a place at the front of the queue.他们很早就到了音乐会现场,在队列的前排占了位子。We had to queue for hours in the rain.我们不得不在雨中排了好几个小时的队。Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.你的打印任务已经发送到了网络打印列表中。He had to join the queue for the toilets.他不得不排队上厕所。He pushed in at the head of the queue. 他插到了队伍的最前面。A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.长长的队伍排到楼下后又一直延伸到了街上。The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.王子在本地医院候诊时拒绝插队。His car mounted the kerb and ploughed into a bus queue.他的汽车冲上路缘,撞到了排队等候公共汽车的人。There was a long queue for the toilets.厕所门口排起了长队。There was a long queue at the medicine counter.药品柜台前排着一条长龙。As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road.约翰全速接近的时候,看到一大串车辆挡住了道路。Get a move on, you two! You're holding up the whole queue!往前挪挪,你们两个!你们把所有排队的人都挡住了!There was a long queue and no one behind the counter.队伍排得很长,而柜台后面却没有人。There was still a queue for tickets on the night.晚上仍然有人在排队买票。Who's next in the queue?队伍里的下一位是谁?Behind him was a long queue of angry motorists.在他的身后,愤怒的司机排成了长龙。The queue stretched for more than a mile.队伍延伸至一英里开外。He tried to jump the queue but they wouldn't let him.他想要插队,但他们不让。There was a long queue at the post office.邮局里排起了长队。The other people in the queue were moaning and groaning.排队的其他人在不满地抱怨着。I was first in the queue so I think I should be served first.我排在第一位,所以我认为应该先得到服务。There was a queue of traffic waiting to get onto the motorway.车辆排着队等待上高速公路。The people formed a queue at the ticket window.人们在售票窗口前排成了一队。The queue for places at the school has never been longer.排队申请上这所学校的人数达到历史最高峰。Police say that the fight broke out over queue-jumping. 警方说这场斗殴是因插队而起。Pushing to the front of the queue, he managed to get the last tickets.他挤到队伍前面设法买到了最后几张票。Don't jump the queue-take your turn like everyone else!不许插队,跟别人一样排队等着!He was standing in front of her in the lunch queue, and they just got talking.买午餐的队伍里他排在她前面,他们就说起话来。There's a queue of companies wanting to sell the product.有许多公司想销售该产品。The queue at the ticket window extended all the way to the street corner.售票窗口的队伍一直排到街角。The queue for tickets turned into a free-for-all.买票的队列吵吵嚷嚷,乱作一团。While I was in the queue at the bank I met an old school friend.我在银行排队时遇到了一位老同学。People kept barging to the front of the queue.不断有人硬闯到队列的最前面。At last we got to the front of the queue.我们终于排到了队伍的前面。First in the queue were two Japanese students.队伍最前面是两个日本学生。There was a long queue to get into the cinema.进电影院排了很长的队。The queue's not moving at all.队列一动不动。The queue was lengthening.队伍排得越来越长。A queue forms outside Peter's study.彼得书房外面排起了队。




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