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词汇 qualities
例句 Louise's complete honesty was one of her most endearing qualities.路易丝为人绝对坦诚,这是她最可人的地方之一。These qualities are necessary prerequisites for success.这些特质是成功所必需的先决条件。Thyme tea can be used by adults for its antiseptic qualities.百里香茶的杀菌功效可用于成人。She has strong leadership qualities.她有很高的领导素质。Shackleton had all the qualities of a great leader.沙克尔顿具备了一个伟大的领袖所应具有的一切品质。Among his other endearing qualities, Ralph was an exceedingly patient man.除了其他令人喜爱的特质外,拉尔夫还是一个极有耐心的人。I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢,没有任何可取之处。He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。A difficult situation can call forth a person's best qualities.困境能唤起一个人最好的品格。His humor is one of his most attractive qualities.他的幽默感是他最吸引人的品质之一。Despite its many qualities, the school simply isn't getting results.尽管有许多特色,该校就是不见成效。I have a sincere admiration of his qualities.我由衷地赞赏他的品质。Stubbornness is one of his bad qualities.固执是他的一个缺点。Collage had all the qualities that might be put in antithesis to minimalism.拼贴艺术的各种特质都可以与极简抽象艺术形成对比。This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.这些特性集于一身,一般来说是极其罕见的。Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man's best qualities.困难的情境有时能激发出一个人最优良的品质。Modesty is one of his good qualities.谦虚是他的美德之一。The house has many fine qualities.这座房子有许多良好的特性。He has a lot of good qualities but being organized isn't one of them.他有许多优秀品质,可就是缺乏条理性。That movie had no redeemable qualities whatsoever. 那部电影没有任何可取之处。He has many good qualities that condone his shortcomings.他有许多可弥补缺点的好品质。Some herbs have antiseptic qualities.一些药草有抗菌性。London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。One of O'Neill's more admirable qualities is his willingness to compromise.奥尼尔更令人称道的品质之一是他愿意妥协。Possessed of such qualities, how do you bring them to the fore and snare the job?既然具备了这些优秀素质,你该怎样把它们充分展示出来并谋得这份工作呢?Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。He had few redeeming qualities. 他没什么优秀品质。He has many good qualities. Chief among them is his honesty.他有许多优良品质,其中最重要的一点是诚实。A job analysis should also include what skills and personal qualities are required.工作岗位分析也应当包括必备技能与个人素质。He lacks leadership qualities.他缺乏领导素质。There are certain qualities in Orwell's prose that I greatly admire.奥威尔文笔中的一些特性我很欣赏。Shyness is one of her most endearing qualities.腼腆是她最可爱的特质之一。Thyme tea can be drunk for its antiseptic qualities.百里香茶具有杀菌的特性。She's got lots of good qualities.她有很多优秀的品质。He should be praised for his inherent qualities, his fair-mindedness, and sense of justice.他内在的品质、他的公正和正义感都应该受到赞扬。He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner.他具有我要找的伴侣应该具备的所有品质。It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.具有此类综合素质的人是非常罕见的。These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.这些蔬菜和草本植物有很强的杀菌性。Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.管理者可能会在男性和女性身上看重不同的才干,这就进一步强化了性别成见。She again demonstrated the qualities for which she is admired by so many people.她再次展示了她那令众人佩服的品质。




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