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词汇 put up with
例句 Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。He'd put up with a lot of bad behaviour from his son and thought it was time to read him the riot act.对于儿子的很多不良行为他一直持容忍态度,但他觉得是该严厉警告他收敛一些的时候了。I don't know how you put up with Claire's constant nagging.我不知道你如何受得了克莱尔整天唠叨。She's the girlfriend from hell-I don't know why he puts up with her.她这么个女朋友太可恶了 - 我真不明白他为什么能受得了她。There is a limit to how much of this nonsense people will put up with.人们对于这种无理行为总有一个忍耐极限。The children were on holiday, enjoying a lifestyle worlds apart from the one they had to put up with at home.孩子们在度假,那与他们在家里时不得不忍受的生活方式完全不一样。I'll be blowed if I put up with that kind of treatment.我要能忍受那种待遇才怪呢。I don't know how you put up with this noise day after day.我不知道你怎么受得了这种日复一日的噪音。She wouldn't put up with his shenanigans.她无法忍受他的胡闹。I won't stand for your crap any longer. = I won't put up with your crap any longer.我不会再忍受你的胡搅蛮缠了。He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him.他太喜怒无常了——我不知道她为什么要忍受他。You see what I have to put up with - the kids never stop arguing.你看我都得忍受些什么—小孩子吵个不停。I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with.我想人们对这种胡闹总有一个承受极限。I can't put up with much more of this.我再也受不了这件事了。It shows much long-suffering in you to put up with him.你能容忍他,这表明你很有长期忍耐精神。At this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.在这所学校里,我们将不会容忍恶劣的行为。We had to put up with delays and other irritations.我们不得不忍受延误和其他恼人的事。Residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory.居民们不得不忍受着从附近工厂排出的有毒烟雾。How has Jan put up with him for so long?简怎能容忍他那么久?His wife must have been a saint to put up with him for all those years.他妻子容忍了他那么多年,一定是个圣人。She put up with it all stoically.她坚忍地承受这一切。Developing countries won't put up with the situation for much longer.这种状况发展中国家容忍不了多长时间了。This is outrageous! I will not put up with such treatment.这简直是蛮横无理!这样对待我,我可受不了。It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.令人气愤的是,警察不得不忍受这些无知的批评。There's no way I'm going to put up with rudeness like that!我决不能容忍那样粗鲁的态度!He won't put up with any challenges to his authority.他不能容忍对其权威的任何质疑。He put up with a friend while he was in town.在城里的时候,他和一个朋友住在一起。She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer.她再也不能忍受那家伙。She has learned to put up with the constant roar of trucks and cars whizzing by.她已经学会忍受持续不断的卡车的轰鸣以及汽车的嗖嗖声。I can only put up with Dave in small doses.我只能暂时忍受戴夫一下。His long-suffering wife had to put up with his numerous affairs.他那一贯受气的妻子不得不忍受他的诸多风流韵事。They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们不得不忍受就在家门口的巨型炼油厂。We had to put up with loud noise and constant interference from the neighbors.我们不得不忍受邻居们嘈杂的噪声和无休止的打扰。She put up with the most rough-and-ready living conditions.她忍受着最为简陋的生活条件。She had to put up with a lot of ribbing when she had her hair permed.她烫了头发后不得不忍受许多人的取笑。You shouldn't put up with such shabby treatment.你不应该忍受如此不公正的对待。I'm not going to put up with it any longer.我不会再容忍这个了。The tent can be put up with the minimum of effort.这帐篷几乎不用费力气就能支起来。They had put up with behaviour from their son which they would not have tolerated from anyone else.他们容忍了儿子的行为,如果换作别人他们可做不到。He's an old grouch but she puts up with him.他是个喜欢抱怨的老头,但是她对他很包容。




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